HtMl //
// Hak Cipta 2014 Google Inc. Semua Hak Dilindungi Undang-Undang.
(function () {var k, l = this, aa = function () {}, ba = function (a) {var b = tipeof a; if ("object" == b) if (a) {if (a instanceof Array) mengembalikan "array"; if (sebuah instanceof Object) kembali b; var c = (a); if ("[object Window]" == c) return "object"; if ( "[object Array]" == c || "number" == typeof a.length && "undefined"! = typeof a.splice && "undefined"! = typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable &&! a.propertyIsEnumerable ("splice")) kembali " array "; if (" [object Function] "== c ||" undefined "! = typeof &&" undefined "! = typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable &&! a.propertyIsEnumerable (" call ")) kembali" fungsi "} lain kembali "null";
else if ("function" == b && "undefined" == typeof return "object"; return b}, ca = function (a) {return "array" == ba (a)}, da = function (a) {var b = ba (a); return "array" == b || "object" == b && "number" == typeof a.length}, m = function (a) {kembali "string" = = typeof a}, n = function (a) {return "number" == typeof a}, ea = function (a) {return "function" == ba (a)}, fa = function (a) {var b = typeof a; return "object" == b && null! = a || "function" == b}, ga = "closure_uid _" + (1E9 * Math.random () >>> 0), ha = 0, ia = fungsi (a, b, c) {return (a.bind, arguments)}, ja = function (a,
b, c) {if (! a) throw Error (); if (2 <arguments.length) {var d = (argumen, 2); return function () {var c = Array. (argumen); Array.prototype.unshift.apply (c, d); return a.apply (b, c)}} fungsi kembali () {return a.apply (b, arguments)}}, p = function (a, b, c) {p = Function.prototype.bind && - 1! = Function.prototype.bind.toString (). indexOf ("kode asli")? ia: ja; kembali p.apply (null , argumen)}, ka = || function () {return + new Date}, q = function (a, b) {function c () {} c.prototype = b.prototype; aj =
b.prototype; a.prototype = new c; a.prototype.constructor = a; a.Ya = function (a, c, f) {for (var d = Array (arguments.length-2), e = 2; e <arguments.length; e ++) d [e-2] = argumen [e]; return b.prototype [c] .apply (a, d)}}; var la; var ma = function (a, b) { var c = a.length-b.length; return 0 <= c & & a.indexOf (b, c) == c}, na = function (a) {return / ^ [\ s \ xa0] * $ /. test ( a)}, oa = String.prototype.trim? function (a) {return a.trim ()}: function (a) {return a.replace (/ ^ [\ s \ xa0] + | [\ s \ xa0 ] + $ / g, "")}, wa = function (a) {if (! pa.test (a)) mengembalikan a; -1! = a.indexOf ("&") && (a = a.replace (qa, "& amp;")); - 1! = a.indexOf ("<") && (a = a.replace (ra, "& lt;")); - 1! = a.indexOf (">" ) && (a = a.replace (sa, "& gt;")); - 1! = a.indexOf ('"') && (a = a.replace (ta," & quot; ")); - 1! = a.indexOf ("'") && (a = a.replace (ua, "& # 39;"));
-1, = a.indexOf ("\ x00") && (a = a.replace (va, "& # 0;")); return a}, qa = / & / g, ra = / </ g, s = /> / g, ta = / "/ g, ua = / '/ g, va = / \ x00 / g, pa = / [\ x00 & <>"'] /, xa = fungsi (a, b) {return a <b? -1: a> b? 1: 0}, ya = 2147483648 * Math.random () | 0, za = function (a) {var b = nomor (a); return 0 == b && na Fungsi a (a, b, c) {fungsi (a, b, c)}: function (a, b, c) {return (a, b, c)}: fungsi (a, b, c) {c = null == c? 0: 0> c? Math.max (0, a.length + c): c; jika (m (a)) kembali m (b) && 1 == b.length? a.indexOf (b, c): - 1; for (; c <a.length; c ++) jika (c dalam a && a [c] === b) return c; return-1}, t = Array.prototype. forEach? function (a, b, c) { (a, b, c)}: fungsi (a, b, c) {untuk (var d = a.length, e = m (a ) a, a f (a, b, c, e, f, f, a)}, Aa = fungsi (a, b, c) a.split (""): a, f = 0; f <d; f ++) f di e & ) {untuk (var d = m (a)? a.split (""): a, e = a.length-1; 0 <= e; - e) e masuk
(a, b, c) {return (a, b, c)}, Ba, : fungsi (a, b, c) {untuk (var d = a.length, e = [], f = 0, g = m (a)? a.split (""): a, h = 0; h <d; h ++) jika (h dalam g) {var G = g [h]; (c, G, h, a) && (e [f ++] = G)} kembali e}, Ca = Array. prototype.some? function (a, b, c) {return (a, b, c)}: function (a, b, c) {untuk (var d = a.length, e = m (a)? a.split (""): a, f = 0; f <d; f ++) jika (f dalam e && (c, e [f], f, a)) return! 0; return 1}, u = fungsi (a, b) {a: {untuk (var c = a.length, d = m (a)? A.split (""): a,
e = 0; e <c; e ++) jika (e dalam d && (void 0, d [e], e, a)) {b = e; break a} b = -1} return 0> b? null : b (a, b); var c; (c = 0 <= b) & & Array. (a, b, 1); return c}, Ea = function (a) {return Array.prototype.concat.apply (Array.prototype, arguments)}, Fa = function (a) {var b = a.length; if (0 <b) {for (var c = Array (b), d = 0; d <b; d ++) c [d] = a [d]; kembali c} kembali []}, Ga = function (a, b) {untuk (var c = 1; c <arguments.length; c ++) {var d = argumen [c]; if (da (d)) {var e = a.length || 0 , f = d.length || 0; a.length = e + f; untuk (var g =
0; g <f; g ++) a [e + g] = d [g]} lain a.push (d)}}, Ia = fungsi (a, b) {a.sort (b || Ha)}, Ha = fungsi (a, b) {return a> b? 1: a <b? -1: 0}; var Ja = "StopIteration" di l? L.StopIteration: {message: "StopIteration", stack: "" }, Ka = function () {}; = function () {throw Ja;}; Ka.prototype.ya = function () {return this}; var La = function (a, b) {untuk (var c dalam a) (void 0, a [c], c, a)}, Ma = function (a) {var b = [], c = 0, d; untuk (d dalam a) b b) {a ({var c dalam a) jika ( (void 0, a [c], c, a) ) {b = c; break a} b = void 0} kembali b && a [b]}, Pa = function () {var a = Oa, b; for (b in a) return! 1; return! 0}, Qa = "constructor hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable toLocaleString toString valueOf" .split (""), Ra = function (a, b) {untuk (var c, d, e = 1; e <arguments.length; e ++) {d = argumen [ e]; untuk (c dalam d) a [c] = d [c]; untuk (var f = 0; f <Qa.panjang; f ++) c =
Qa [f], (d, c) && (a [c] = d [c])}}; var v = function (a, b) {this.b = {}; ini this is a c = arguments.length; if (1 <c) {if (c% 2) throw Error ("Jumlah argumen yang tidak merata"); for (var c = arguments.length; if (1 <c) {if (c% 2) throw Error ("Jumlah argumen yang tidak merata"); d = 0; d <c; d + = 2) this.set (argumen [d], argumen [d + 1])} else a && Sa (this, a)}; v.prototype.w = function () {Ta ini); untuk (var a = [], b = 0; b <this.a.length; b ++) a.push (this.b [this.a [b]]); return a}; v.prototype. ja = function () {Ta (ini); return this.a.concat ()};
v.prototype.remove = function (a) {return w (this.b, a)? (hapus this.b [a], this.c -, this.f ++, this.a.length> 2 * this. 1); var Ta = function (a) {if (ac! = aalength) {for (var b = 0, c = 0; b <aalength;) {var d = aa & b (aa [c ++] = d); b ++} aalength = c} jika (ac! = aalength) {for (var e = {}, c = b = 0; b < aalength;) d = aa [b], w (e, d) || (aa [c ++] = d, e [d] = 1), b ++; aalength = c}}; v.prototype.get = function ( a, b) {return w (this.b, a)? this.b [a]: b};
v.prototype.set = function (a, b) {w (this.b, a) || (this.c ++, this.a.push (a), this.f ++); this.b [a] = b }; var Sa = function (a, b) {var c; if (b instanceof v) c = b.ja (), b = bw (); else {c = []; var d = 0, e; untuk (e dalam b) c [d ++] = e; b = Ma (b)} untuk (d = 0; d <c.length; d ++) a.set (c [d], b [d])}; v .prototype.forEach = function (a, b) {untuk (var c = this.ja (), d = 0; d <c.length; d ++) {var e = c [d], f = this.get ( e); (b, f, e, this)}}; v.prototype.clone = function () {return new v (this)};
v.prototype.ya = fungsi (a) {Ta (ini); var b = 0, c = this.f, d = ini, e = new Ka; = function () {if (c! = df ) throw Error ("Peta telah berubah sejak iterator diciptakan"); if (b> = dalength) melempar Ja; var e = da [b ++]; return a? e: db [e]}; return e}; var w = function (a, b) {return (a, b)}; var Ua = function (a) {if (aw && "function" == typeof aw) return aw (); if (m (a)) return a.split (""); jika (da (a)) {untuk (var b = [], c = a.length, d = 0; d <c; d ++) b.push (a [d]); return b} return Ma (a)}; var Va = function (a) {this.a = new v; if (a) {a = Ua (a); untuk (var b = a .length, c = 0; c <b; c ++) x (ini, a [c])}}, Wa = function (a) {var b = typeof a; return "object" == b && a || "function" == b? "o" + (a [ga] || (a [ga] = ++ ha)): bz (0,1) + a}, x = fungsi (a, b) {aaset Wa (b), b)}; k = Va.prototype; k.removeAll = fungsi (a) {a = Ua (a); untuk (var b = a.this.remove (a [c])}; k.remove = function (a) {return this.a.remove (Wa (a))}; k.contains = Fungsi (a) {a = Wa (a); return w (this.ab, a)}; kw = function () {return ()}; k.clone = function () {return new Va (ini )};
k.ya = function () {return this.a.ya (! 1)}; var Xa = new Va, Ya = new Va; var Za = fungsi (a, b, c) {this.Ua = a; ini .b = || null; this.a = {}; untuk (a = 0; a <c.length; a ++) b = c [a], this.a [ba] = b}; Za. prototype.getName = function () {return this.b}; var $ a = function (a) {a = Ma (aa); Ia (a, fungsi (a, c) {return aa-ca}); }, ab = function (a, b) {return Na (aa, function (a) {return a.getName () == b}) || null}; var bb = function (a, b, c) {this .a = b; this.i =; this.c = !! c.ka; this.b = cg; this.h = c.type; this.f =! 1; switch (this.b) {kasus 3: kasus 4: kasus 6: kasus 16: kasus 18: kasus 2: kasus 1: this.f =! 0}}; bb.prototype.getName = function () {return this.i}; var y = fungsi () {this.a = {}; this.c = this.getDescriptor () a, this.b = null}, cb = function (a, b) {untuk (var c in aa) {var d = Nomor (c); ac [d] || (a, d, aa [c])}}; y.prototype.has = function (a) {return null! = This.a [aa]}; y.prototype.get = function (a, b) {return z (ini, aa, b)}; y.prototype.set = function (a, b) {A (ini, aa, b)};
(var c = $ a (a.getDescriptor ()), d = 0; d <c.length; d ++) {var e = c [d], f = ea; if (null! = ba [f]) {ab && delete ab [ea]; var g = 11 == eb || 10 == eb; if (ec) for (var e = B (b, f) || [] , h = 0; h <e.length; h ++) db (a, f, g? e [h] .clone (): e [h]); else e = B (b, f), g? (g = B (a, f)) eb (g, e): A (a, f, e.clone ()): A (a, f, e)}}}; y.prototype.clone = function () {var a = new this.constructor; a! = this && (aa = {}, ab && (ab = {}), eb (a, this)); return a};
var B = function (a, b) {a = aa [b]; return null == a? null: a}, z = function (a, b, c) {var d = B (a, b); return (b) {return ac [b] .c? null! = aa [b]? aa [b] .length: [b]? aa [b] .c? d [c || 0]: d}, fb = fungsi (a, b) 0: null! = Aa [b]? 1: 0}, A = fungsi (a, b, c) {aa [b] = c; ab && (ab [b] = c)}, db = function (a, b, c) {aa [b] || (aa [b] = []); aa [b] .push (c); ab && delete ab [b]}, C = function (a, b) {var c = [], d = b [0], e; untuk (e dalam b) 0! = e && c.push (bb baru (0, e, b [e])); kembali baru Za (a, d, c) • var D = function () { (this)}; q (D, y); var gb = null, E = function () { (this)}; q (E, y); var hb = null; E.prototype.getId = function () {return z (this, 1)}; var ib = function () { (this)}; q (ib, y); var jb = null, F = function () { (this)}; q (F, y); var kb = null; F.prototype.getId = function () {return z (this, 1)}; F.prototype.getName = function () {return z (this, 2)}; var H = function () { (this)}; q (H, y); var lb = null; H.prototype.getId = function () {return z (this, 1)}; H.prototype.getName = function () {return z (this, 2)}; var mb = function () { (this)};
q (mb, y); var nb = null, ob = function () { (this)}; q (ob, y); var pb = null, qb = function () { (ini) }; q (qb, y); var rb = null;
D.prototype.getDescriptor = function () {var a = gb; a || (gb = a = C (D, {0: {name: "CreativeInfo", U: "javascript_ads_adsense_extension_proto.CreativeInfo"}, 14: {name : "ad_client_id", diperlukan:! 0, g: 9, ketik: String}, 1: {name: "ad_source", g: 9, ketik: String}, 2: {name: "targeting_type", g: 9, tipe: String}, 3: {name: "format", g: 9, ketik: String}, 4: {name: "creative_id", g: 9, ketik: String}, 5: {name: "visible_url" g: 9, ketik: String}, 6: {name: "destination_url", ka:! 0, g: 9, type: String}, 16: {name: "click_through_url", g: 9, type: String}, 7: {name: "buyer_network_name",
g: 9, ketik: String}, 8: {name: "agency_name", g: 9, ketik: String}, 9: {name: "advertiser_name", ka:! 0, g: 9, type: String}, 15: {name: "adx_winning_rule", g: 9, ketik: String}, 10: {name: "impression_time_usec", g: 5, ketik: Nomor}, 12: {name: "direct_deal", g: 11, ketik : E}, 13: {name: "ad_network_tag", g: 11, ketik: ib}}); return a}; D.getDescriptor = D.prototype.getDescriptor;
E.prototype.getDescriptor = function () {var a = hb; a || (hb = a = C (E, {0: {name: "DirectDeal", Ka: D, U: "javascript_ads_adsense_extension_proto.CreativeInfo.DirectDeal" }, 1: {name: "id", required:! 0, g: 9, type: String}})); return a}; E.getDescriptor = E.prototype.getDescriptor; ib.prototype.getDescriptor = function ( ) {var a = jb; a || (jb = a = C (ib, {0: {name: "AdNetworkTag", Ka: D, U: "javascript_ads_adsense_extension_proto.CreativeInfo.AdNetworkTag"}, 1: {name: " network_name ", g: 9, ketik: String}, 2: {name:" tag_name ", g: 9, ketik: String}})); return a};
ib.getDescriptor = ib.prototype.getDescriptor; F.prototype.getDescriptor = function () {var a = kb; a || (kb = a = C (F, {0: {name: "DfpCreativeInfo", U: " javascript_ads_adsense_extension_proto.DfpCreativeInfo "}, 1: {name:" id ", required:! 0, g: 9, type: String}, 2: {name:" name ", required:! 0, g: 9, type: String }, 3: {name: "type", g: 9, ketik: String}, 4: {name: "destination_url", g: 9, ketik: String}}); return a}; F.getDescriptor = F .prototype.getDescriptor;
H.prototype.getDescriptor = function () {var a = lb; a || (lb = a = C (H, {0: {name: "DfpLineItemInfo", U: "javascript_ads_adsense_extension_proto.DfpLineItemInfo"}, 1: {name 0, g: 9, ketik: String}, 2: {name: "name", g: 9, type: String}, 3: {name: "order_id", g: 9, ketik: String}, 4: {name: "order_name", g: 9, ketik: String}, 5: {name: "priority", g: 9, type: String}, 7: {name: "type" g: 9, ketik: String}, 8: {name: "cost_per_unit", g: 9, ketik: String}, 9: {name: "cost_type", g: 9, ketik: String}, 6: {name: "error", g: 9, ketik: String}})); return a};
H.getDescriptor = H.prototype.getDescriptor; mb.prototype.getDescriptor = function () {var a = nb; a || (nb = a = C (mb, {0: {name: "DfpDataResponse", U: " javascript_ads_adsense_extension_proto.DfpDataResponse "}, 1: {name:" line_item_id ", ka:! 0, g: 9, ketik: String}, 2: {name:" creative_id ", ka:! 0, g: 9, ketik: String }, 3: {name: "slot_name", diperlukan:! 0, g: 9, ketik: String}})); return a}; mb.getDescriptor = mb.prototype.getDescriptor;
ob.prototype.getDescriptor = function () {var a = pb; a || (pb = a = C (ob, {0: {name: "HubData", U: "javascript_ads_adsense_extension_proto.HubData"}, 1: {name : "hub_unit", ka:! 0, g: 11, ketik: qb}})); return a}; ob.getDescriptor = ob.prototype.getDescriptor;
qb.prototype.getDescriptor = function () {var a = rb; a || (rb = a = C (qb, {0: {name: "HubAdUnit", Ka: ob, U: "javascript_ads_adsense_extension_proto.HubData.HubAdUnit" }, 1: {name: "overlay_id", diperlukan:! 0, g: 5, ketik: Nomor}, 2: {nama: "slot_name", g: 9, ketik: String}, 3: {name: "width ", g: 5, ketik: Nomor}, 4: {name:" height ", g: 5, type: Number}, 5: {name:" type ", required:! 0, g: 9, type: String }, 6: {name: "client_id", g: 9, ketik: String}, 7: {name: "ad_unit_id", g: 9, ketik: String}, 8: {name: "channel_code", g: 9 , ketik: String}, 9: {name: "creative_info", g: 11, ketik: D}, 10: {name: "dfp_line_item_info",
g: 11, ketik: H}, 11: {name: "dfp_creative_info", g: 11, ketik: F}, 12: {name: "inspectable", diperlukan:! 0, g: 8, ketik: Boolean} 13: {name: "loading", required:! 0, g: 8, ketik: Boolean}}); return a}; qb.getDescriptor = qb.prototype.getDescriptor; var I; a: {var sb = l .navigator; if (sb) {var tb = sb.userAgent; if (tb) {I = tb; break a}} I = ""}; var vb = function () {this.b = ""; this. a = ub}, ub = {}; var xb = function () {this.b = ""; this.a = wb}, wb = {}; var zb = function () {this.b = ""; this.c = yb; this.a = null}, yb = {}, Ab = function (a) {var b = new zb; bb = a; ba = 0}; Ab ("<! DOCTYPE html>") (B) = Bb [""] (a); return a}; Bb [""] = aa; var Cb = function (b) a, b) {try {return Bb (a [b]) ,! 0} catch (c) {} return! 1}, Eb = function (a, b) {var c = Db; return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty .call (c, a)? c [a]:c [a] = b (a)}; var Fb = -1! = I.indexOf ("Opera"), J = -1! = I.indexOf ("Trident") || -1! = I.indexOf ("MSIE"), Gb = -1! = I.indexOf ("Edge"), Hb = -1! = I.indexOf ("Gecko") &&! (- 1! = I.toLowerCase (). IndexOf ( "webkit") && - 1 == I.indexOf ("Edge")) &&! (- 1! = I.indexOf ("Trident") || -1! = I.indexOf ("MSIE")) && - 1 == I.indexOf ("Edge"), Ib = -1! = I.toLowerCase (). IndexOf ("webkit") && - 1 == I.indexOf ("Edge"), Jb = function () { var a = l.document; return a? a.documentMode: void 0}, Kb;)) &&! (- 1! = I.indexOf ("Trident") || -1! = I.indexOf ("MSIE")) && - 1 == I.indexOf ("Ujung"), Ib = -1 ! = I.toLowerCase (). IndexOf ("webkit") && - 1 == I.indexOf ("Edge"), Jb = function () {var a = l.document; return a? A.documentMode: void 0 }, Kb;)) &&! (- 1! = I.indexOf ("Trident") || -1! = I.indexOf ("MSIE")) && - 1 == I.indexOf ("Ujung"), Ib = -1 ! = I.toLowerCase (). IndexOf ("webkit") && - 1 == I.indexOf ("Edge"), Jb = function () {var a = l.document; return a? A.documentMode: void 0 }, Kb;
a: {var Lb = "", Mb = function () {var a = I; if (Hb) return / rv \: ([^ \);] +) (\) |;) /. exec (a) , jika (Gb) kembali / Edge \ / ([\ d \.] +) /. exec (a); jika (J) kembali / \ b (?: MSIE | rv) [:] ([^ \); ] + () ())) () ()) () ()) () ()) / (exec) a); if (Ib) kembali / WebKit \ / (\ S +) /. exec (a); if (Fb) kembali / ] (\ S +) /. Exec (a)} (); Mb && (Lb = Mb? Mb [1]: ""); if (J) {var Nb = Jb (); if (null! = Nb && Nb> parseFloat (Lb)) {Kb = String (Nb); break a}} Kb = Lb}
var Ob = Kb, Db = {}, K = function (a) {return Eb (a, function () {for (var b = 0, c = oa (String (Ob)) split ("."), d = oa (String (a)) split ("."), e = Math.max (c.length, d.length), f = 0; 0 == b && f <e; f ++) {var g = c [f] || "", h = d [f] || ""; do {g = / (\ d *) (\ D *) (. *) /. exec (g) || ["", "", "", ""]; h = / (\ d *) (\ D *) (. *) /. exec (h) || ["", "", "", ""]; if (0 == g [0] .length && 0 == h [0] .length) break; b = xa (0 == g [1] .length? 0: parseInt (g [1], 10), 0 == h [1] .length? 0: parseInt (h [1], 10)) || xa (0 == g [2] .length, 0 == h [2] .length) || xa (g [2 ], h [2]); g = g [3]; h = h [3]} sementara (0 == b)} kembali 0 <= b})}, Pb; var Qb = l.document;
Pb = Qb && J? Jb () || ("CSS1Compat" == Qb.compatMode? ParseInt (Ob, 10): 5): void 0; var L = function (a, b) {this.a = void 0! = = a? a: 0; this.b = void 0! == b? b: 0}; L.prototype.clone = function () {return new L (this.a, this.b)}; L.prototype .round = function () {this.a = Math.round (this.a); this.b = Math.round (this.b); return this}; var M = function (a, b) {this.width = a; this.height = b}; M.prototype.clone = function () {return new M (this.width, this.height)}; M.prototype.round = function () {this.width = Math. bulat (this.width); this.height = Math.round (this.height); return this}; var Rb =! J || 9 <= Nomor (Pb), Sb =! Hb &&! J || J && 9 <= Nomor (Pb) || Hb && K ("1.9.1"); J && K ("9"); var Vb = fungsi (a) {kembali a baru Tb (Ub (a)): la || (la = new Tb )}, Xb = function (a, b) {La (b, function (b, d) {"style" == d? = b: "class" == d? A.className = b :"untuk"== d? a.htmlFor = b: Wb.hasOwnProperty (d)? a.setAttribute (Wb [d], b): 0 == d.lastIndexOf ("aria -", 0) || 0 == d. last_indexOf ("data -", 0) a.setAttribute (d, b): a [d] = b})}, Wb = {selpadding: "cellPadding", sel ruang: "selSpacing", colspan: "colSpan" frameborder: "frameBorder", height: "height", maxlength: "maxLength", nonce: "nonce", peran: "role", rowspan: "rowSpan", ketik: "type", usemap: "useMap""nonce", peran: "role", rowspan: "rowSpan", ketik: "type", usemap: "useMap""nonce", peran: "role", rowspan: "rowSpan", ketik: "type", usemap: "useMap"
valign: "vAlign", width: "width"}, Yb = function (a) {return a.scrollingElement? a.scrollingElement: Ib || "CSS1Compat"! = a.compatMode? a.body || a.documentElement: a.documentElement}, $ b = function (a, b, c) {var d = argumen, e = dokumen, f = String (d [0]), g = d [1]; if (! Rb && g && (g. nama (gtype)) {f = ["<", f]; && f.push ('name = "', wa (, '"'); if (g.type) { f.push ('type = "', wa (g.type), '"'); var h = {}; Ra (h, g); hapus h.type; g = h} f.push ("> "); f = f.join (" ")} f = e.createElement (f); g && (m (g)? f.className = g: ca (g) f.className = g.join (" " ): Xb (f, g));
2 <d.length & & Zb (e, f, d); return f}, Zb = function (a, b, c) {function d (c) {c && b.appendChild (m (c)? A.createTextNode (c): c)} untuk (var e = 2; e <c.length; e ++) {var f = c [e] ;! da (f) || fa (f) && 0 <f.nodeType? d (f): t (a) {a && a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild (a)}, cc = function (a) {return Sb && void 0! = a () f (a) {kembali Sb && void 0! = a .children? a.children: Ba (a.childNodes, function (a) {return 1 == a.nodeType})}, Ub = function (a) {return 9 == a.nodeType? a: a.ownerDocument | | a.document}, ac = function (a) {if (a && "number" == typeof a.length) {if (fa (a)) return "function" ==
typeof a.item || "string" == typeof a.item; if (ea (a)) return "function" == typeof a.item} return! 1}, Tb = function (a) {this.a = a || l.document || document}; Tb.prototype.v = function (a) {return m (a)? this.a.getElementById (a): a}; Tb.prototype.contains = function (a, b) {if (! a || b) return! 1; if (a.contains && 1 == b.nodeType) mengembalikan a == b || a.contains (b); if ("undefined"! = typeof a .compareDocumentPosition) return a == b || !! (a.compareDocumentPosition (b) & 16); untuk (; b && a! = b;) b = b.parentNode; return b == a}; var dc = function () {}; dc.prototype.b = fungsi (a, b) {return 11 == ab || 10 == abo ec (ini, b): n (b) &&! isFinite (b)? b.toString ( ): b}; dc.prototype.a = function (a, b) {if (11 == ab || 10 == ab) kembali b instanceof y || (a = new (ahprototype.getDescriptor (). Ua) , bc, b, a, b, b, a, b, jika (14 == ab) kembali m (b) && gc.test (b) && (a = Nomor (b), 0 <a)? a : b; jika (! a.f) return b; a = ah; if (a === String) {if (n (b)) return String (b)} else if (a === Nomor && m (b) && ("Infinity" === b || "-Infinity" === b || "NaN" === b || gc.test (b))) return Number (b); return b}; var gc = / ^ -? [0- 9] + $ /; var N = fungsi (a, b) {this.c = a; this.f = b}; q (N, dc); var ec = function (a, b) {for (var c = $ a (b.getDescriptor ()), d = {}, e = 0; e <c.length; e ++) {var f = c [e], g = 1 == ac? f.getName (): Jika (b) h (f)) jika (fc) {var h = []; d [g] = h; untuk (g = 0; g <fb (b, fa); g ++) h.push ab (f, b.get (f, g)))} else d [g] = ab (f, b.get (f))} cb (b, fungsi (a, b) {d [a] = b }); return d}; N.prototype.b = function (a, b) {return this.f && 8 == ab && "boolean" == typeof b? b? 1: 0: Njbcall (ini, a, b)} ; N.prototype.a = function (a, b) {return 8 == ab && n (b)? !! b: Njacall (ini, a, b)};Infinity "=== b ||" -Infinity "=== b ||" NaN "=== b || gc.test (b))) return Number (b); return b}; var gc = / ^ (X, b) x (n, dc); var ec = function (a, b) {this.c = a; this.f = b}; q (N, dc); var ec = function (a, b) {this.c = a; this.f = b}; q (N, dc); var ec = function (a, b) {untuk (var c = $ a (b.getDescriptor ()), d = {}, e = 0; e <c.length; e ++) {var f = c [e], g = 1 == ac? f .getName (): fa; jika (b.has (f)) jika (fc) {var h = []; d [g] = h; untuk (g = 0; g <fb (b, fa); g ++ ) h.push (ab, f, b.get (f, g))) else d [g] = ab (f, b.get (f))} cb (b, fungsi (a, b) {d (a) b) {return this.f && 8 == ab && "boolean" == typeof b? b? 1: 0: Njbcall (ini, a, b)}; N.prototype.a = fungsi (a, b) {return 8 == ab && n (b)? !! b: Njacall (ini, a, b)};Infinity "=== b ||" -Infinity "=== b ||" NaN "=== b || gc.test (b))) return Number (b); return b}; var gc = / ^ (X, b) x (n, dc); var ec = function (a, b) {this.c = a; this.f = b}; q (N, dc); var ec = function (a, b) {this.c = a; this.f = b}; q (N, dc); var ec = function (a, b) {untuk (var c = $ a (b.getDescriptor ()), d = {}, e = 0; e <c.length; e ++) {var f = c [e], g = 1 == ac? f .getName (): fa; jika (b.has (f)) jika (fc) {var h = []; d [g] = h; untuk (g = 0; g <fb (b, fa); g ++ ) h.push (ab, f, b.get (f, g))) else d [g] = ab (f, b.get (f))} cb (b, fungsi (a, b) {d (a) b) {return this.f && 8 == ab && "boolean" == typeof b? b? 1: 0: Njbcall (ini, a, b)}; N.prototype.a = fungsi (a, b) {return 8 == ab && n (b)? !! b: Njacall (ini, a, b)};getDescriptor ()), d = {}, e = 0; e <c.length; e ++) {var f = c [e], g = 1 == ac? f.getName (): fa; if (b. (f)) jika (fc) {var h = []; d [g] = h; untuk (g = 0; g <fb (b, fa); g ++) h.push (ab (f, b. (f, g)))} else d [g] = ab (f, b.get (f))} cb (b, fungsi (a, b) {d [a] = b}); kembali d} ; N.prototype.b = function (a, b) {return this.f && 8 == ab && "boolean" == typeof b? B? 1: 0: Njbcall (ini, a, b)}; N.prototype.a = fungsi (a, b) {return 8 == ab && n (b)? !! b: Njacall (ini, a, b)};getDescriptor ()), d = {}, e = 0; e <c.length; e ++) {var f = c [e], g = 1 == ac? f.getName (): fa; if (b. (f)) jika (fc) {var h = []; d [g] = h; untuk (g = 0; g <fb (b, fa); g ++) h.push (ab (f, b. (f, g)))} else d [g] = ab (f, b.get (f))} cb (b, fungsi (a, b) {d [a] = b}); kembali d} ; N.prototype.b = function (a, b) {return this.f && 8 == ab && "boolean" == typeof b? B? 1: 0: Njbcall (ini, a, b)}; N.prototype.a = fungsi (a, b) {return 8 == ab && n (b)? !! b: Njacall (ini, a, b)};panggilan (ini, a, b)};panggilan (ini, a, b)};
var fc = fungsi (a, b, c) {var d = b.getDescriptor (), e; untuk (e dalam c) {var f, g = c [e], h =! / [^ 0-9] /.test(e);if(f=h?da[parseInt(e,10)]||null:ab(d,e ))if(fc)for(h=0;h<g.length;h++ ) {var G = aa (f, g [h]); db (b, fa, G)} else b.set (f, aa (f, g)); else h & & (f = b, h = Nomor e), fa [h] = g, fb & & hapus fb [h])}}; var hc = function () { =; this.oa = this.oa}; =! 1; var ic = function (a) { || ( =! 0, aC ())}; hc.prototype.C = function () {if (this.oa) for (; this. oa.length;) this.oa.shift () ()}; var O = function (a, b) {this.type = a; this.a = this.f = b; this.b =! 1; ini .Na =! 0}; O.prototype.stopPropagation = function () {this.b =! 0}; O.prototype.preventDefault = function () {this.Na =! 1}; var jc =! J || 9 <= Nomor (Pb), kc = J &&! K ("9") ;! Ib || K ("528"); Hb && K ("1.9b") || J && K ("8") || Fb && K (" 9,5 ") || Ib && K (") & &) = = = = = = Arget arget arget arget arget arget = this.a = this.f = null; this.button = this.screenY = this.screenX = this.clientY = this.clientX = 0; this.key = ""; this.metaKey = this.shiftKey = this. altKey = this.ctrlKey =! 1; this.c = null; if (a) {var c = this.type = a.type, d = a.changedTouches? a.changedTouches [0]: null; this.f = || a.srcElement; this.a = b; (b = a.relatedTarget)? Hb && (Cb (b, "nodeName") || (b = null)): "mouseover" == c? b = a.fromElement: "mouseout" == c && (b = a.toElement); this.relatedTarget = b; null === d? (this.clientX = void 0! ==clientX = 0; this.key = ""; this.metaKey = this.shiftKey = this.altKey = this.ctrlKey =! 1; this.c = null; if (a) {var c = this.type = a. tipe, d = a.changedTouches? a.changedTouches [0]: null; this.f = || a.srcElement; this.a = b; (b = a.relatedTarget)? Hb && (Cb (b, "nodeName") || (b = null)): "mouseover" == c? b = a.fromElement: "mouseout" == c && (b = a.toElement); this.relatedTarget = b; null === d? (this.clientX = void 0! ==clientX = 0; this.key = ""; this.metaKey = this.shiftKey = this.altKey = this.ctrlKey =! 1; this.c = null; if (a) {var c = this.type = a. tipe, d = a.changedTouches? a.changedTouches [0]: null; this.f = || a.srcElement; this.a = b; (b = a.relatedTarget)? Hb && (Cb (b, "nodeName") || (b = null)): "mouseover" == c? b = a.fromElement: "mouseout" == c && (b = a.toElement); this.relatedTarget = b; null === d? (this.clientX = void 0! ==
a.clientX? a.clientX: a.pageX, this.clientY = void 0! == a.clientY? a.clientY: a.pageY, this.screenX = a.screenX || 0, this.screenY = a. screenY || 0) :( this.clientX = void 0! == d.clientX? d.clientX: d.pageX, this.clientY = void 0! == d.clientY? d.clientY: d.pageY, ini .screenX = d.screenX || 0, this.screenY = d.screenY || 0); this.button = a.button; this.key = a.key || ""; this.ctrlKey = a.ctrlKey; this.altKey = a.altKey; this.shiftKey = a.shiftKey; this.metaKey = a.metaKey; this.c = a; a.defaultPrevented && this.preventDefault ()}}; q (lc, O);
lc.prototype.stopPropagation = function () { (this); this.c.stopPropagation? this.c.stopPropagation (): this.c.cancelBubble =! 0}; lc.prototype.preventDefault = function () { (this); var a = this.c; if (a.preventDefault) a.preventDefault (); else if (a.returnValue =! 1, kc) coba {if (a.ctrlKey || 112 <= a.keyCode && 123> = a.keyCode) a.keyCode = -1} catch (b) {}}; var mc = "closure_listenable _" + (1E6 * Math.random () | 0 ), nc = 0; var oc = function (a, b, c, d, e) {this.listener = a; this.proxy = null; this.src = b; this.type = c; this.capture = !! d; this.wa = e; this.key = ++ nc; this.removed = this.ra =! 1}, pc = function (a) {a.removed =! 0; a.listener = null; a.proxy = null; a.src = null; a.wa = null}; var qc = fungsi (a) {this.src = a; this.a = {}; this.b = 0}, sc = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {var g = b.toString (); b = aa [g]; b || (b = aa [g] = [], a.b ++); var h = rc (b, c, e, f); - 1 <h? (a = b [h], d || (a.ra =! 1)):(a = new oc (c, a.src, g, !! e, f), a.ra = d, b.push (a)); return a}; qc.prototype.remove = function (a, b , c, d) {a = a.toString (); if (! (a in this.a)) return! 1; var e = this.a [a]; b = rc (e, b, c, d ); return-1 <b? (pc (e [b]), (e, b, 1), 0 == e.length && (hapus this.a [a], this.b -) ,! 0) :! 1};
var tc = fungsi (a, b) {var c = b.type; c di aa && Da (aa [c], b) && (pc (b), 0 == aa [c] .length && (hapus aa [c] , ab -))}; qc.prototype.removeAll = function (a) {a = a && a.toString (); var b = 0, c; for (c in this.a) if (! a || c = = a) {untuk (var d = this.a [c], e = 0; e <d.length; e ++) ++ b, pc (d [e]); hapus this.a [c]; ini. b -} return b}; var rc = function (a, b, c, d) {untuk (var e = 0; e <a.length; ++ e) {var f = a [e]; if ( ! f.removed && f.listener == b && f.capture == !! c && f.wa == d) return e} return-1}; var uc = "closure_lm _" + (1E6 * Math.random () | 0), vc = {}, wc = 0, xc = function (a, b, c, d, e) {if (ca (b)) untuk (var f = 0; f <b.length; f ++) xc (a, b (c, d, e); else c = yc (c), a && a [mc] a.listen (b, c, d, e): zc (a, b, c,! 1, d, e)}, zc = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {if (! b) throw Error ("tipe kejadian tidak valid"); var g = !! e, h = Ac (a); h || (a [uc] = h = new qc (a)); c = sc (h, b, c, d, e, f); jika (! c.proxy) {d = Bc (); c .proxy = d;d.src = a; d.listener = c; jika (a.addEventListener) a.addEventListener (b.toString (), d, g); else if (a.attachEvent) a.attachEvent (Cc (b.toString ( )), d); else throw Error ("addEventListener dan attachEvent tidak tersedia.");
wc ++}}, Bc = function () {var a = Dc, b = jc? function (c) {return (b.src, b.listener, c)}: function (c) {c = a. call (b.src, b.listener, c); jika (! c) kembali c}; return b}, Ec = function (a, b, c, d, e) {if (ca (b)) for ( (a, b [f], c, d, e); else c = yc (c), a && a [mc]? sc (ah, String (b) var f = 0; f <b.length; f ++) Ec (a, b [f], c, d, , c, 0, d, e): zc (a, b, c,! 0, d, e)}, Fc = function (a, b, c, d, e) {if (ca (b)) untuk (var f = 0; f <b.length; f ++) Fc (a, b [f], c, d, e); else (c = yc (c), a && a [mc])? ahremove (String b), c, d, e): a && (a = Ac (a)) && (b = aa [b.toString ()], a = -1, b && (a = rc (b, c, !! d , e)), (c = -1 <a? b [a]: null) && Gc (c))},
Gc = function (a) {if (! N (a) && a &&! A.removed) {var b = a.src; if (b && b [mc]) tc (bh, a); else {var c = a.type , d = a.proxy; b.removeEventListener? b.removeEventListener (c, d, a.capture): b.detachEvent && b.detachEvent (Cc (c), d); wc -; (c = Ac (b)) (cc), (c, a), 0 == cb && (c.src = null, b [uc] = null)): pc (a)}}}, Cc = function (a) {return a in vc? vc [a]: vc [a] = "on" + a}, Ic = function (a, b, c, d) {var e =! 0; if (a = Ac (a)) if (b = aa [ b.toString ()]) untuk (b = b.concat (), a = 0; a <b.length; a ++) {var f = b [a]; f && f.capture == c &&! f.removed && (f = Hc (f, d), e = e & &! 1! == f)} kembali e}, Hc = function (a,
b) {var c = a.listener, d = a.wa || a.src; a.ra && Gc (a); return (d, b)}, Dc = function (a, b) {if ( a.removed) return! 0; if (! jc) {if (! b) a: {b = ["window", "event"]; untuk (var c = l, d; d = b.shift () ;) jika (null! = c [d]) c = c [d]; else {b = null; break a} b = c} d = b; b = new lc (d, this); c =! 0 ; if (! (0> d.keyCode || void 0! = d.returnValue)) {a: {var e =! 1; if (0 == d.keyCode) coba {d.keyCode = -1; break a} catch (g) {e =! 0} if (e || void 0 == d.returnValue) d.returnValue =! 0} d = []; untuk (e = ba; e; e = e.parentNode ) d.push (e); a = a.type; untuk (e = d.length-1;! bb && 0 <= e; e -) {ba = d [e]; var f = Ic (d [e ],
a,! 0, b), c = c && f} untuk (e = 0;! bb && e <d.length; e ++) ba = d [e], f = Ic (d [e], a,! 1, b) , c = c & & f} kembali c} kembali Hc (a, new lc (b, this))}, Ac = function (a) {a = a [uc]; kembalikan sebuah instanceof qc? a: null}, Jc = " __closure_events_fn _ "+ (1E9 * Math.random () >>> 0), yc = function (a) {if (ea (a)) mengembalikan a; a [Jc] || (a [Jc] = function (b) {return a.handleEvent (b)}); return a [Jc]}; var P = function () { (this); this.h = new qc (this); this.Oa = this; this. pa = null}; q (P, hc); P.prototype [mc] =! 0; P.prototype.Fa = function (a) { = a}; P.prototype.removeEventListener = function (a, b, c, d) {Fc (ini, a, b, c, d)};
var Lc = fungsi (a, b) {var c, d =; jika (d) untuk (c = []; d; d = c.push (d); a = a.Oa d = b.type || b; jika (m (b)) b = new O (b, a); else if (b instanceof O) bf = bf || a; else {var e = b; b = (a); Ra (b, e)} var e =! 0, f; jika (c) untuk (var g = c.length-1;! bb && 0 <= g; g -) f = b) && e; bb || (f = ba = a, e = Kc (f, d,! 0, b) && e, bb || b) && e; bb || (f = ba = a, e = Kc (f, d,! 0, b) && e, bb || (e = Kc (f, d,! 1, b) && e)); jika (c) untuk (g = 0;! bb && g <c.length; g ++) f = ba = c [g], e = Kc f, d,! 1, b) && e}; P.prototype.C = function () {PjCcall (this); this.h && this.h.removeAll (void 0); = null};
P.prototype.listen = function (a, b, c, d) {return sc (this.h, String (a), b,! 1, c, d)}; var Kc = fungsi (a, b, c , d) {b = aha [String (b)]; jika (! b) kembali! 0; b = b.concat (); untuk (var e =! 0, f = 0; f <b.length; + + f) {var g = b [f]; jika (g & &! g.removed && g.capture == c) {var h = g.listener, G = g.wa || g.src; g.ra && tc (ah, g); e =! 1! == (G, d) && e}} return e && 0! = d.Na}; var Mc = function (a, b) { (this); this.b = a || 1; this.a = b || l; this.c = p (this.Xa, this); this.f = ka ()}; q (Mc, P); k = Mc.prototype; =! 1; kI = null; k.Xa = function () {if ( {var a = ka () - this.f; 0 <a && a <.8 * this.b? this. I = this.a.setTimeout (this.c, :( this.I && (this.a.clearTimeout (this.I), this.I = null), Lc (ini, "centang"), ini .va && (this.I = this.a.setTimeout (this.c, this.b), this.f = ka ()))}}; k.start = function () { =! 0; ini .I || (this.I = this.a.setTimeout (this.c, this.b), ini.f = ka ())};
k.stop = function () { =! 1; this.I && (this.a.clearTimeout (this.I), this.I = null)}; kC = function () {Mc.jCcall (ini) (if (ea (a)) c & & (a = p (a, c)); else if (a && "function); (if aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "== typeof a.handleEvent) a = p (a.handleEvent, a); else throw Error (" argumen pendengar tidak valid "); return 2147483647 <Number (b)? - 1: l.setTimeout (a, b || 0)}; var Oc = fungsi (a, b, c, d) { = a; this.right = b; this.bottom = c; this.left = d}; Oc.prototype.clone = function () {return new Oc (, this.right, this.bottom, this.left)}; Oc.prototype.contains = function (a) {kembalikan ini && a instance of Oc? a.left> = this. kiri & & a.right <= this.right &&> = && a.bottom <= this.bottom: aa> = this.left && a.a <= this.right && a.b> = && a.b <= this.bottom : 1};
Oc.prototype.round = function () { = Math.round (; this.right = Math.round (this.right); this.bottom = Math.round (this.bottom); ini .left = Math.round (this.left); return this}; var Pc = function (a, b) {var c = Ub (a); return c.defaultView && c.defaultView.getComputedStyle && (a = c.defaultView.getComputedStyle (a, null)) a a bget || a.getPropertyValue (b) || "": ""}, Qc = function (a, b) {return Pc (a, b) || (a.currentStyle a.currentStyle [b]: null) || && [b]}, Rc = function (a) {a = a? Ub (a): dokumen; kembali J || 9 <= Nomor Pb) || "CSS1Compat" == Vb (a) .a.compatMode? A.documentElement: a.body}, Sc = function (a) {var b; try {b = a.getBoundingClientRect ()} catch (c ) {return {left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0}} J && a.ownerDocument.body &&
(a = a.ownerDocument, b.left- = a.documentElement.clientLeft + a.body.clientLeft, = a.documentElement.clientTop + a.body.clientTop); kembali b}, Tc = function ( a) {if (J &&! (8 <= Number (Pb))) return a.offsetParent; var b = Ub (a), c = Qc (a, "position"), d = "fixed" == c | | "absolute" == c; untuk (a = a.parentNode; a && a! = b; a = a.parentNode) if (11 == a.nodeType && && (a =, c = Qc (a , "posisi"), d = d && "static" == c && a! = b.documentElement && a! = b.body,! d && (a.scrollWidth> a.clientWidth || a.scrollHeight> a.clientHeight || "tetap" == c || "absolut" == c || "relatif" ==
c)) return a; return null}, Vc = function () {for (var a = document.body, b = new Oc (0, Infinity, Infinity, 0), c = Vb (a), d = cabody, e = cadocumentElement, f = Yb (ca); a = Tc (a);) jika (! & J 0 == a.clientWidth || Ib && 0 == a.clientHeight && a == d) && a! = d && a! = e && "visible "= Qc (a," overflow ")) {var g = Uc (a), h = new L (a.clientLeft, a.clientTop); g.a + = ha; g.b + = hb; = Math.max (, gb); b.right = Math.min (b.right, g.a + a.clientWidth); b.bottom = Math.min (b.bottom, g.b + a .clientHeight); b.left = Math.max (b.left, ga)} d = f.scrollLeft; f = f.scrollTop; b.left = Math.max (b.left,
d); = Math.max (, f); c = ca; c = (c.parentWindow || c.defaultView || window) .document; c = "CSS1Compat" == c.compatMode c.documentElement: c.body; c = new M (c.clientWidth, c.clientHeight); b.right = Math.min (b.right, d + c.width); b.bottom = Math.min ( b b, c, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, = Ub (a), c = new L (0,0), d = Rc (b); jika (a == d) kembali c; a = Sc (a); d = Vb (b) .a; b = Yb (d); d = d.parentWindow || d.defaultView; b = J && K ("10") && d.pageYOffset! = B.scrollTop? New L (b.scrollLeft,
b.scrollTop): new L (d.pageXOffset || b.scrollLeft, d.pageYOffset || b.scrollTop); ca = a.left + ba; cb = + bb; kembali c}, Wc = function (a) {var b = jendela, c = new L (0,0), d; d = (d = Ub (a)) d.parentWindow || d.defaultView: jendela; jika (! Cb (d, "parent")) return c; do {var e; d == b? e = Uc (a) :( e = Sc (a), e = new L (e.left,; c. a + = ea; c.b + = eb} sementara (d && d! = b && d! = d.parent && (a = d.frameElement) && (d = d.parent)); kembali c}, Yc = function (a) {var b = Xc; jika ("tidak ada"! = Qc (a, "display")) kembali b (a); var c =, d = c.display, e = c.visibility, f = c.position c.visibility =
"hidden"; c.position = "absolute"; c.display = "inline"; a = b (a); c.display = d; c.position = f; c.visibility = e; return a}, Xc = function (a) {var b = a.offsetWidth, c = a.offsetHeight, d = Ib &&! b &&! c; return (void 0 === b || d) && a.getBoundingClientRect? (a = Sc (a) , M baru (a.right-a.left, new M (b, c)}, Zc = function (a) {return new M (a.offsetWidth, a.offsetHeight) }; var ad = / ^ (?: ([^: /? #.] +):)? (?: \ / \ / (?: ([^ /? #] *) @)? ([^ / #?] *?) (? :: ([0-9] +))? (? = [/ #?] | $))? ([^? #] +)? (?: \? ([^ #] *))? (?: # ([\ s \ S] *))? $ /, bd = function (a, b) {if (a) {a = a.split ("&"); untuk (var c = 0; c <a.length; c ++) {var d = a [c] .indexOf ("="), e, f = null; 0 <= d? (e = a [c] .substring (0, d), f = a [c] .substring (d + 1)): e = a [c]; b (e, f? DecodeURIComponent (f.replace (/ \ + / g, "")) :) "))}}}, cd = / # | $ /, dd = function (a) {var b = (cd), c; a: {untuk (c = 0; 0 <= (c = a.indexOf ("(c = 1), jika (d = a.charCodeAt (c + 6), jika (38 == d || 63 == d) jika (d = a.charCodeAt (c + 6) d || 61 == d ||
38 == d || 35 == d) break a; c + = 7} c = -1} jika (0> c) return null; d = a.indexOf ("&", c); if (0> d || d> b) d = b; c + = 7; return decodeURIComponent (a.substr (c, dc) .replace (/ \ + / g, ""))}; var ed = "# 47beed # dd4b39 # 3d9400 # ff9900 # 990000 # 009999 # 00cc99 # cc3399 # 009933 # 993300 # 669999 # 222222 ".split (" "), fd = function (a) {kembali ed [a? a% ed.length: 0]}; var jd = fungsi (a) {return ma (a, "B") gd (a, hd): gd (a, id)}, gd = function (a, b) {kembali (a = a.match (kd) ) Nomor (a [1]) * b [a [2]]: NaN}, kd = / ^ ([-]? \ D + \.? \ D *) ([K, M, G, T, P , k, m, u, n]?) [B]? $ /, id = {"": 1, n: 1E-9, u: 1E-6, m: .001, k: 1E3, K: 1E3 , M: 1E6, G: 1E9, T: 1E12, P: 1E15}, hd = {"": 1, n: Math.pow (1024, -3), u: Math.pow (1024, -2), m: 1/1024, k: 1024, K: 1024, M: Math.pow (1024,2), G: Math.pow (1024,3), T: Math.pow (1024,4), P: Matematika .pow (1024,5)}; J && K (8); var ld = function (a, b) {this.f = this.o = this.c = ""; ini.l = null; this.h = this.i = ""; this.a =! 1; var c; a instanceof ld? (this.a = void 0! == b? b: aa, md (ini, ac ), this.o = ao, this.f = af, nd (ini, al), this.i = ai, od (ini, abclone ()), this.h = ah): a && (c = String (a ) .match (ad))? (this.a = !! b, md (ini, c [1] || "",! 0), this.o = pd (c [2] || ""), Ini, = n, (n, c), ini (i, c)), this.i = pd (c [5] || "",! 0), od (c [3] || " ini, c [6] || "", 0), this.h = pd (c [7] || "")) :( this.a = !! b, this.b = new qd (null, 0, this.a))};c [6] || "", 0), this.h = pd (c [7] || "")) :( this.a = !! b, this.b = new qd (null, 0, ini adalah))};c [6] || "", 0), this.h = pd (c [7] || "")) :( this.a = !! b, this.b = new qd (null, 0, ini adalah))};
ld.prototype.toString = function () {var a = [], b = this.c; b && a.push (rd (b, sd, 0), ":"); var c = this.f; if ( c || "file" == b) a.push ("//"), (b = this.o) && a.push (rd (b, sd,! 0), "@"), a.push encodeURIComponent (String (c)) ganti (/% 25 ([0-9a-fA-F] {2}) / g, "% $ 1")), c = this.l, null! = c && a.push ":", String (c)); jika (c = this.i) this.f && "/"! = C.charAt (0) && a.push ("/"), a.push (rd (c, " /"==c.charAt(0)?td:ud,!0));(c=this.b.toString())&&a.push("?",c);(c=this.h)&&a .push ("#", rd (c, vd)); return a.join ("")}; ld.prototype.clone = function () {return new ld (this)};
var md = fungsi (a, b, c) {ac = c? pd (b,! 0): b; ac && (ac = acreplace (/: $ /, ""))}, nd = function (a, b ) {if (b) {b = Nomor (b); jika (isNaN (b) || 0> b) lempar Error ("Nomor port buruk" + b); al = b} else al = null}, od = fungsi (a, b, c) {b instanceof qd? (ab = b, wd (ab, aa)) :( c || (b = rd (b, xd)), ab = new qd (b, 0, a, b) {return a? b? decodeURI (a.replace (/% 25 / g, "% 2525")): decodeURIComponent (a): ""}, rd = function (a, b, c) {return m (a)? (a = encodeURI (a) .replace (b, yd), c && (a = a.replace (/% 25 ([0-9a-fA-F] {2}) / g, "% $ 1")), a): null}, yd = function (a) {a = a.charCodeAt (0);
return "%" + (a >> 4 & 15) .toString (16) + (a & 15) .toString (16)}, sd = / [# \ / \? @] / g, ud = / [\ # \ ?: ] / g, td = / [\ # \?] / g, xd = / [\ # \? @] / g, vd = / # / g, qd = fungsi (a, b, c) {this.b = this.a = null; this.c = a || null; this.f = !! c}, zd = function (a) {aa || (aa = new v, ab = 0, ac && bd (ac, function (b, c) {b = decodeURIComponent (b.replace (/ \ + / g, "")); zd (a); ac = null; b = Iklan (a, b); var d = aaget (b) ; d || aaset (b, d = []); d.push (c); a.b + = 1}))};
qd.prototype.remove = function (a) {zd (this); a = Ad (this, a); return w (this.ab, a)? (this.c = null, this.b- = this.a (a) .length, this.a.remove (a)) :! 1}; var Bd = function (a, b) {zd (a); b = Ad (a, b); return w (aab , b)}; k = qd.prototype; k.ja = function () {zd (this); for (var a = (), b = this.a.ja (), c = [], d = 0; d <b.length; d ++) untuk (var e = a [d], f = 0; f <e.length; f ++) c.push (b [d]); return c}; kw = fungsi (a) {zd (ini); var b = []; jika (m (a)) Bd (ini, a) && (b = Ea (b, this.a.get (Ad (this, a)) )); else {a = (); untuk (var c = 0; c <a.length; c ++) b = Ea (b, a [c])} kembali b};
k.set = function (a, b) {zd (this); this.c = null; a = Ad (this, a); Bd (this, a) && (this.b- = this.a.get ini a) .length); this.a.set (a, [b]); this.b + = 1; return this}; k.get = function (a, b) {a = a? this.w (a) : []; return 0 <a.length? String (a [0]): b}; k.toString = function () {if (this.c) return this.c; if (! this.a) return " "; untuk (var a = [], b = this.a.ja (), c = 0; c <b.length; c ++) untuk (var d = b [c], e = encodeURIComponent (String (d) ), d = this.w (d), f = 0; f <d.length; f ++) {var g = e; ""! == d [f] && (g + = "=" + encodeURIComponent (String ( d [f]))); a.push (g)} mengembalikan this.c = a.join ("&")};
k.clone = function () {var a = new qd; ac = this.c; this.a && (aa = this.a.clone (), ab = this.b); return a}; var Ad = function (k) return b}, wd = function (a, b) {b &&! af & & (zd (a), ac = null, aaforSetiap hari, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, (fungsi (a, b) {var c = b.toLowerCase (); b! = c && (this.remove (b), this.remove (c), 0 <a.length && (this.c = null, ini. a.set (Ad (this, c), Fa (a)), this.b + = a.length))}, a)); af = b}; var Cd = {}, Dd = {}, Fd = {}, Gd = function () {throw Error ("Jangan instantiate secara langsung");}; Gd.prototype.ta = null; Gd.prototype.toString = function () {return this.content}; var Hd = function (a, b) {this.content = String (a); this.ta = null! = b? b: null}; q (Hd, Gd); Hd.prototype.fa = Fd; Id var = fungsi () { (this)}; q (Id, Gd); Id.prototype.fa = Cd; var Ld = fungsi (a, b) {b = a (b || Jd, void 0, void 0); a = Vb () a.createElement ("DIV"); b = Kd (b); a.innerHTML = b;1 == a.childNodes.length && (b = a.firstChild, 1 == b.nodeType && (a = b)); return a}, Kd = function (a) {if (! Fa (a)) return String ( a); jika (instance dari Gd) {if (a.fa === Cd) kembali a.content; if (a.fa === Fd) kembali wa (a.content)} kembali "zSoyz"}, Jd = {}; var Md = function (a) {if (null! = a) switch (a.ta) {case 1: return 1; case -1: return-1; case 0: return 0} return null}, Od = function (a) {if (null == a || a.fa! == Cd) jika (sebuah instanceof zb) {var b = Nd, c; a instanceof zb && a.constructor === zb && a.c == = yb? c = ab: (ba (a), c = "type_error: SafeHtml"); a = b (c, aa)} else a = Nd (wa (String (String (a))), Md (a )); return a}, Nd = function (a) {function b (a) {this.content = a} b.prototype = a.prototype; return function (a, d) {a = new b (String (a )); void 0! == d && (a.ta = d); return a}} (Id);(a.fa === Cd) kembali a.content; jika (a.fa === Fd) kembali wa (a.content) } return "zSoyz"}, Jd = {}; var Md = function (a) {if (null! = a) switch (a.ta) {case 1: return 1; case -1: return-1; case 0 : return 0} return null}, Od = function (a) {if (null == a || a.fa! == Cd) if (sebuah instanceof zb) {var b = Nd, c; instance dari zb && a.constructor === zb && a.c === yb? c = ab: (ba (a), c = "type_error: SafeHtml"); a = b (c, aa)} else a = Nd (wa (String (String a))), Md (a)); return a}, Nd = function (a) {function b (a) {this.content = a} b.prototype = a.prototype; return function (a, d) { a = new b (String (a)); void 0! == d && (a.ta = d); return a}} (Id);(a.fa === Cd) kembali a.content; jika (a.fa === Fd) kembali wa (a.content) } return "zSoyz"}, Jd = {}; var Md = function (a) {if (null! = a) switch (a.ta) {case 1: return 1; case -1: return-1; case 0 : return 0} return null}, Od = function (a) {if (null == a || a.fa! == Cd) if (sebuah instanceof zb) {var b = Nd, c; instance dari zb && a.constructor === zb && a.c === yb? c = ab: (ba (a), c = "type_error: SafeHtml"); a = b (c, aa)} else a = Nd (wa (String (String a))), Md (a)); return a}, Nd = function (a) {function b (a) {this.content = a} b.prototype = a.prototype; return function (a, d) { a = new b (String (a)); void 0! == d && (a.ta = d); return a}} (Id);Od = function (a) {if (null == a || a.fa! == Cd) jika (sebuah instanceof zb) {var b = Nd, c; a instanceof zb && a.constructor === zb && a.c == = yb? c = ab: (ba (a), c = "type_error: SafeHtml"); a = b (c, aa)} else a = Nd (wa (String (String (a))), Md (a )); return a}, Nd = function (a) {function b (a) {this.content = a} b.prototype = a.prototype; return function (a, d) {a = new b (String (a )); void 0! == d && (a.ta = d); return a}} (Id);Od = function (a) {if (null == a || a.fa! == Cd) jika (sebuah instanceof zb) {var b = Nd, c; a instanceof zb && a.constructor === zb && a.c == = yb? c = ab: (ba (a), c = "type_error: SafeHtml"); a = b (c, aa)} else a = Nd (wa (String (String (a))), Md (a )); return a}, Nd = function (a) {function b (a) {this.content = a} b.prototype = a.prototype; return function (a, d) {a = new b (String (a )); void 0! == d && (a.ta = d); return a}} (Id);
(fungsi (a) {function b (a) {this.content = a} b.prototype = a.prototype; return function (a, d) {a = String (a); jika (! a) kembali ""; a = new b (a); void 0! == d && (a.ta = d); return a}}) (Id);
var Pd = function (a) {return a.replace (/ <\ // g, "<\\ /") ganti (/ \] \]> / g, "]] \\>")}, Ud = function (a) {return null! = a && a.fa === Cd? String (String (a.content) .replace (Qd, "") ganti (Rd, "& lt;")) ganti (Sd, Td): wa (String (a))}, Q = fungsi (a) {null! = A && a.fa === Dd? A = Pd (a.content): null == a? A = "": a instanceof vb? (instance dari vb && a.constructor === vb && a.a === ub? a = ab: (ba (a), a = "type_error: SafeStyle"), a = Pd (a)): instanceof xb (a instanceof xb && a.constructor === xb && a.a === wb? a = ab: (ba (a), a = "type_error: SafeStyleSheet"), a = Pd (a)) :( a =
String (a), a = Vd.test (a)? A: "zSoyz"); return a}, Wd = {"\ x00": "& # 0;", "\ t": "& # 9; "," \ n ":" & # 10; "," \ x0B ":" & # 11; "," \ f ":" & # 12; "," \ r ":" & # 13; ", "": "&", "-": "& # 45;", "& quot;": "& quot;", "&": "& amp; "/": "& # 47;", "<": "& lt;", "=": "& # 61;", ">": "& gt;", "` ":" & # 96; " , "\ u0085": "& # 133;", "\ u00a0": "& # 160;", "\ u2028": "& # 8232;", "\ u2029": "& # 8233;"}, Td = function (a) {return Wd [a]},Sd = / [\ x00 \ x22 \ x27 \ x3c \ x3e] / g, Vd = / ^ (?! - * (?: expression | (?: Moz -)? Binding)) (?: [. #]? -? (?: [_ a-z0-9 -] +) (?: - [_ a-z0-9 -] +) * -? | (?: rgb | hsl) a? \ ([0-9.% , \ u0020] + \) | -? (?: [0-9] + (?: \. [0-9] *)? | \. [0-9] +) (?: [az] {1 , 2} |%)? | Penting |) $ / i,
Xd = / ^ [a-zA-Z0-9 + \ /] + = * $ /, Yd = fungsi (a) {a = String (a); kembali Xd.test (a)? A: "zSoyz"} , Qd = / <(?:! | \ /? ([A-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9: \ -] *)) (?: [^> '"] |" [^ " ] * '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ' "24px" height = "24px" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" enable-background = "new 0 0 24 24" xml: space = "preserve"> <path fill = "'+ Ud (a.color) +' "d =" M12,21,971c-5,651,0-10,25-4,598-10,25-10,25c0-5,652, 4,599-10,25,10,25-10,25c5,652,0,10,25,4,598,10,25,10,25,22,25,17,373, 17.652,21,971,12,21,971z M12,3,971c-4,272,0-7,75,3,477-7,75,7,75s3.478, 7,75,7,75,7,75c4,273,0,7,75-3,477,7,75-7,75S16,273, 3.971,12,3,971z "/> <path fill =" '+ Ud (a.color) +' "d =" M12,17.471c-3.171,0-5.75-2.578-5.75-5.75c0-3.171, 2.579-5.75,5.75-5.75c3.172,0,5,75,2,579,5,75,5,75C17,75,14,893,15,127,471z M12,8,471 c-1,792,0-3,25,1,458-3,25,3,25c0,1,792,1,458, 3,25,3,25,3,25c1,793,0,3,25-1,457,3,25-3,25C15,25,9,929,13,793,8,471,12,8,471 z "/> <circle fill =" '+
Ud (a.color) + '"cx =" 12 "cy =" 11.721 "r =" 1.5 "/> </ svg>')}; var $ d = fungsi (a, b, c) { (this); this.a = a; this.f = b || 0; this.b = c; this.c = p (this.Ra, this)}; q ($ d, hc); k = $ d.prototype; = 0; kC = function () {$ djCcall (this); this.stop (); hapus this.a; delete this.b}; k.start = function (a) {this. stop (); = Nc (this.c, void 0! == a? a: this.f)}; k.stop = function () {0! = && l.clearTimeout ( ; = 0}; k.Ra = function () { = 0; this.a && (this.b)}; var Oa = {}, ae = null, be = function ( a) {a = a [ga] || (a [ga] = ++ ha); hapus Oa [a]; Pa () && ae && ae.stop ()}, de = function () {ae || (ae = new $ d (function () {ce ()}, 20)); var a = ae; 0! = || a.start ()}, ce = function () {var a = ka (); La (Oa, fungsi (b) {ee (b, a)}); Pa () || de ()}; var fe = function () { (this); this.f = 0; this. F = this.c = null}; q (fe, P); fe.prototype.W = function () {this.b ("begin")}; fe.prototype.N = function () {this.b ("end")}; fe.prototype.onStop = function () {this.b ("stop")}; fe. prototipe.b = fungsi (a) {Lc (ini, a)}; var R = fungsi (a, b, c, d) { (ini); jika (! ca (a) ||! b)) throw Error ("Parameter start dan end harus berupa array"); if (a.length! = b.length) throw Error ("Titik awal dan akhir harus sama panjangnya"); this.o = a; Ini.aa = b; ini. $ = c; this.Z = d; this.i = []; this.a = 0}; q (R, fe); var ge = function (a) {if (0 == af) aa = 0, ai = ao; else if (1 == af) return; jadilah (a); var b = ka (); ac = b; -1 == af && (ac- = a. $ * aa a, a = a.c + a. $; aa || aW (); ab ("play"); - 1 == af && a.b ("resume"); af = 1; var c = a [ ga] || (a [ga] = ++ ha); c di Oa || (Oa [c] = a); de (); ee (a, b)};prototipe.b = fungsi (a) {Lc (ini, a)}; var R = fungsi (a, b, c, d) { (ini); jika (! ca (a) ||! b)) throw Error ("Parameter start dan end harus berupa array"); if (a.length! = b.length) throw Error ("Titik awal dan akhir harus sama panjangnya"); this.o = a; Ini.aa = b; ini. $ = c; this.Z = d; this.i = []; this.a = 0}; q (R, fe); var ge = function (a) {if (0 == af) aa = 0, ai = ao; else if (1 == af) return; jadilah (a); var b = ka (); ac = b; -1 == af && (ac- = a. $ * aa a, a = a.c + a. $; aa || aW (); ab ("play"); - 1 == af && a.b ("resume"); af = 1; var c = a [ ga] || (a [ga] = ++ ha); c di Oa || (Oa [c] = a); de (); ee (a, b)};prototipe.b = fungsi (a) {Lc (ini, a)}; var R = fungsi (a, b, c, d) { (ini); jika (! ca (a) ||! b)) throw Error ("Parameter start dan end harus berupa array"); if (a.length! = b.length) throw Error ("Titik awal dan akhir harus sama panjangnya"); this.o = a; Ini.aa = b; ini. $ = c; this.Z = d; this.i = []; this.a = 0}; q (R, fe); var ge = function (a) {if (0 == af) aa = 0, ai = ao; else if (1 == af) return; jadilah (a); var b = ka (); ac = b; -1 == af && (ac- = a. $ * aa a, a = a.c + a. $; aa || aW (); ab ("play"); - 1 == af && a.b ("resume"); af = 1; var c = a [ ga] || (a [ga] = ++ ha); c di Oa || (Oa [c] = a); de (); ee (a, b)};Z = d; this.i = []; this.a = 0}; q (R, fe); var ge = function (a) {if (0 == af) aa = 0, ai = ao; else if (1 == af) return; be (a); var b = ka (); ac = b; -1 == af && (ac- = a. $ * Aa); aF = a.c + a. $; aa || aW (); ab ("play"); - 1 == af && a.b ("resume"); af = 1; var c = a [ga] || (a [ga] = ++ ha) ; c di Oa || (Oa [c] = a); de (); ee (a, b)};Z = d; this.i = []; this.a = 0}; q (R, fe); var ge = function (a) {if (0 == af) aa = 0, ai = ao; else if (1 == af) return; be (a); var b = ka (); ac = b; -1 == af && (ac- = a. $ * Aa); aF = a.c + a. $; aa || aW (); ab ("play"); - 1 == af && a.b ("resume"); af = 1; var c = a [ga] || (a [ga] = ++ ha) ; c di Oa || (Oa [c] = a); de (); ee (a, b)};
R.prototype.stop = function (a) {be (this); this.f = 0; a && (this.a = 1); he (this, this.a); this.onStop (); this.N ( )}; R.prototype.C = function () {0 == this.f || this.stop (! 1); this.b ("destroy"); RjCcall (this)}; var ee = function (a , b) {b <ac && (aF = b + aF-ac, ac = b); aa = (ba.c) / (aF-ac); 1 <aa && (aa = 1); dia (a, aa) 1 == af & & a.J ()}, he = function (a, b) {ea (aZ), a = (a, b) {ea (aZ), a = (a), ab ("selesai"), ) ai [c] -ao [c]) * (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa b + ao [c]}; R.prototype.J = function () {this.b ("animate")};
R.prototype.b = fungsi (a) {Lc (ini, baru yaitu (a))}; var yaitu = fungsi (a) { (ini, a)}; q (yaitu, O); var S = fungsi (a, b, c, d, e) { (ini, b, c, d, e); this.l = a}; q (S, R); = aa ; S.prototype.J = function () { (); SjJcall (this)}; S.prototype.N = function () { (); SjNcall (this)}; S.prototype.W = function () { (); SjWcall (this)}; var je = function (a, b, c, d, e) {if (2! = b.length || 2! = c.length) throw Error ("Titik awal dan akhir harus 2D"); S.apply (ini, argumen)}; q (je, S); = function () {this.l.scrollLeft = Math.round (this.i [0]); this.l.scrollTop = Math.round (this.i [1])};
var T = fungsi (a, b, c, d, e) {n (b) && (b = [b]); n (c) && (c = [c]); (ini, a, b, c, d, e); if (1! = b.length || 1! = c.length) throw Error ("Titik awal dan akhir harus 1D"); this.H = -1}; q T, S); var ke = 1/1024; k = T.prototype; = function () {var a = this.i [0]; if (Math.abs (a-this.H)> = ke) {var b =; "opacity" di b? b .opacity = a: "MozOpacity" di b? b.MozOpacity = a: "filter" di b && (b.filter = "" == = a? "": "alpha (opacity =" + 100 * Number (a) + ")"); this.H = a}}; kW = function () {this.H = -1; TjWcall (ini) }; kN = function () {this.H = -1; TjNcall (this)}; = function () { = ""}; k.hide = function () { = "none"}; var le = function (a, b, c) { (ini, a, 1,0, b, c)}; q (le, T); var me = fungsi (a, b, c) { (ini, a, 0, 1, b, c)}; q (saya, T); var ne = fungsi (a, b, c) { (ini, a, 1,0, b, c)}; q (ne, T ); ne.prototype.W = function () { (); ne.jWcall (this)}; ne.prototype.N = function () {this.hide (); ne.jNcall (this)}; var U = function () {}; Ua = void 0; U.getInstance = function () {return Ua? Ua: Ua = new U}; U.prototype.a = 0; var V = fungsi (a) {P .call (this); this.Ga = a || Vb (); this.Ha = null; this.V =! 1; this.b = null; this.J = void 0; this.Z = this. $ = this.i = null}; q (V, P); k = V.prototype; k.Sa = U.getInstance (); k.getId = function () {return this.Ha || (this.Ha = "+ (this.Sa.a ++) toString (36))}; kv = function () {return this.b}; k.Fa = function (a) {if (this.i && this.i! = a ) melempar Error ("Metode tidak didukung"); (ini, a)}; k.La = function () {this.b = this.Ga.a.createElement ("DIV")};
var oe = function (a, b) {if (aV) throw Error ("Component already rendered"); ab || a.La (); b? b.insertBefore (ab, null): a.Ga.a. body.appendChild (ab); ai &&! aiV || ()}; = function () {this.V =! 0; pe (ini, fungsi (a) {! aV && a.v ( ) && ()})}; V.prototype.ia = function () {pe (ini, fungsi (a) {aV && a.ia ()}); this.J && this.J.removeAll (); this.V =; 1}; V.prototype.C = function () {this.V && this.ia (); this.J && (ic (this.J), hapus this.J); pe (ini, fungsi (a) {ic (a)}); this.b && bc (this.b); this.i = this.b = this.Z = this. $ = null; VjCcall (this)};
var pe = function (a, b) {a. $ && t (a. $, b, void 0)}; V.prototype.removeChild = function (a, b) {if (a) {var c = m (a ) a: a.getId (); this.Z && c? (a = this.Z, a = (null! == a && c in a? a [c]: void 0) || null): a = null; if (c && a) {var d = this.Z; c di d && delete d [c]; Da (ini, $, a); b && (a.ia (), ab && bc (ab)); b = a; if (null = = b) throw Error ("Tidak dapat mengatur komponen induk"); bi = null; (b, null)}} jika (! a) melempar Error ("Child is not in parent component"); return a} ; var qe = function (a, b) {if (! n (a)) throw "OverlayId invalid:" + a; if (! n (b) || 1! = b && - 1! = b) lempar "tidak valid delta: "+ b; return {type:" ptb_clickstring_search_event ", overlayId: a, delta: b}}; var re = / ^ http [s]?: \ / \ / [\ w \. \ - ~] +. (doubleclick \ .net | googleadservices \ .com) \ / (aclk | pagead \ / aclk | pagead \ / conversion \ / [0-9] + \ / adclick | pagead \ / adview) \?. * $ / i,/ $ / / \ aclk | pagead \ / aclk | pagead \ / conversion \ / [0-9] + \ / adclick | pagead \ / adview) \?. * $ / i, te = / vu \ (" (http [s]?: \ / \ / [\ w \. \ - ~] +. (doubleclick \ .net | googleadservices \ .com) \ / (aclk | pagead \ / aclk | pagead \ / conversion \ / [ 0-9] + \ / adclick | pagead \ / adview) \?. *) "\) / I, ue = / http [s]?: \ / \ / [\ W \. \ - ~] + doubleclick .net \ / click (?:; |% 3B). * sscs (?: = |% 3D)% 3f (http [s]?: \ / \ / [\ w \. \ - ~] +. (doubleclick \ / net | googleadservices \ .com) \ / (aclk | pagead \ / aclk | pagead \ / conversion \ / [0-9] + \ / adclick | pagead \ / adview) \?.) / i,com) \ / (aclk | pagead \ / aclk | pagead \ / conversion \ / [0-9] + \ / adclick | pagead \ / adview) \?.) / i,com) \ / (aclk | pagead \ / aclk | pagead \ / conversion \ / [0-9] + \ / adclick | pagead \ / adview) \?.) / i,
ve = / http [s]?: \ / \ / [\ w \. \ - ~] +. \ /.*; klik = (http [s]?: \ / \ / [\ w \. \ - ~] +. (doubleclick \ .net | googleadservices \ .com) \ / (aclk | pagead \ / aclk | pagead \ / conversion \ / [0-9] + \ / adclick | pagead \ / adview) \? . *) [; $] / i, kita = / (?: var web_property_code? =? "([^"] +) ";)? var creative_info? =?" ([^ "] +)"; /, xe = function (a) {var b = ve.exec (a); jika (b) kembali b [1]; coba {var c = decodeURIComponent (a.replace (/ \\ x ([0-9A-Fa- f] {2}) / g, "% $ 1")), d = te.exec (c); jika (d) kembali d [1]} catch (Ed) {} try {for (var e = decodeURIComponent a), f = e.split (/ & (amp;) /), b =
0; b <f.length; b ++) {var g = f [b], h = g.indexOf ("="); jika (0 <= h) beralih (g.substring (0, h)) {case "clickTAG": case "google_click_url": return g.substring (h + 1)}} var G = ue.exec (e); jika (G) kembali G [1]} catch (Ed) {} for (a = [a]; 0 <a.length;) {e = a.pop (); jika (re.test (e)) kembali e; jika (se.test (e)) kembali "http: //adclick.g "+ e; if (f = ue.exec (e)) kembali f [1]; coba {var $ c = e.match (iklan) [6] || null; $ c && (a = a (b) (jika (b) {a (1, 1), (a, b, c) {jika (b) {a, 1 ); coba {if ("IFRAME" == b.tagName) ze (b, a); else {var d =
Ae (b); d & & c (a, null, d); if ("IMG" == b.tagName && "A" == b.parentNode.tagName) {var e = xe (b.parentNode.attributes.getNamedItem (" (b) (b) {t (b.attributes, function (b) {(b = xe (h), (b) b.value)) && c (a, b, d)})); t (b.querySelectorAll ("script"), fungsi (b) {b = b.innerText.replace (/ \\ x ([0- 9A-Fa-f] {2}) / g, "% $ 1"); (b = xe (b)) && c (a, b, d)}); t (b.querySelectorAll ("iframe"), fungsi (b) {ze (b, a, d)})}} akhirnya {ye (a, -1)}}}, ye = function (a, b) {a = qe (a, b); b = JSON .stringify (JSON.stringify (a)); a & &
(a = $ b ("SCRIPT", null, " (" + b + ", '*');"), document.head.appendChild (a))}, Ae = function (a) { a = a.querySelector ("script # PublisherToolbarAdInfo"); kembali a (a = we.exec (a.innerText)) {ha: a [2], ma: a [1] || null}: null: null}, ze = function (a, b, c) {var d; if (! n (b)) lempar "overlayId tidak valid"; d = {type: "ptb_find_clickstrings", overlayId: b}; || ( = "goog _" + ya ++); b = "(" + function (a) {if (a.impressionInfo) {var b = {type: a.type, overlayId: a.overlayId, webPropertyCode: a. webPropertyCode, impressionInfo: a.impressionInfo,
style scoped "+ ( 'nonce ="' + Yd ( + '"':" ") +"> # "+ Q (d) +", # "+ Q (d) + "div, #" + Q (d) + "span, #" + Q (d) + "a, #" + Q (d) + "tabel, #" + Q (d) + "thead, #" + Q (d) + "tbody, #" + Q (d) + "th, #" + Q (d) + "tr, #" + Q (d) + "td {background: transparent; perbatasan: 0; kotak-bayangan: tidak ada; warna: #fff; font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; ukuran font: 100%; font-style: normal; font-varian: normal; font-weight: normal; tinggi: auto; jarak huruf: 0; garis-tinggi: normal; margin: 0; min-height: 0; min-width: 0; keburaman: 1; garis besar: 0; padding: 0; posisi: statis; text-align: start; hiasan teks: tidak ada; text-indent: 0; teks-bayangan: tidak ada; text-transform: tidak ada; vertical-align: baseline; lebar: auto; jarak kata: normal; zoom: normal;
Q (d) + "div {display: block;} #" + Q (d) + "span {display: inline;} #" + Q (d) + "tabel {border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0;} </ style> "); a =" "+ (b + d +" <style scoped "+ ( 'Nonce ="' + Yd ( + '"':" ") + "> # gpt-overlay -" + Q ( + "{kotak-ukuran: border-box; sel kosong: tampilkan; posisi: mutlak; atas: 0; kiri: 0; width:" + Q (a.width) + "px; height:" + Q (a.height) + "px; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 0; padding: 0; z-index: 2147483647;} # gpt-overlay-" + Q ( + ". Hidden {display: none;} # gpt-overlay -" + Q ( + ". Loading: hover {kursor: wait;} # gpt-overlay -" +
Q ( + "tidak dapat diinspeksi: hover {kursor: tidak diperbolehkan;} # gpt-overlay -" + Q ( + ".ad-screen {position: absolute; top: 0; kiri: 0; width: "+ Q (a.width-4) +" px; height: "+ Q (a.height-4) +" px; background-color: # 5abd50; border: solid 2px transparent; opacity : 0.6;} # gpt-overlay - "+ Q ( +". Inspectable: hover .ad-screen {border: 2px solid "+ Q (a.color) +"; kursor: pointer;} # gpt -overlay - "+ Q ( +" .overlay-data {font-size: 11px; color: # 000; background-color: "+ Q (a.color) +"; height: 30px; width: 30px; opacity: 0.9; posisi: absolute; overflow: hidden; top: 0; left: 0; border: solid 1px "+
Q (a.color) + ";} # gpt-overlay -" + Q ( + ": hover .overlay-data {opacity: 1; width: auto; max-width:" + Q (a. lebar) + "px; height: auto; min-height: 30px;} # gpt-overlay -" + Q ( + ".ad-indicator {width: 23px; height: 20px; font-size: 9px ; posisi: absolute; color: #fff; padding: 4px 2px 5px 5px; top: 50%; margin-top: -12px;} # gpt-overlay - "+ Q ( +" .ad-indicator> div {line-height: 9px;} # gpt-overlay - "+ Q ( +". inspectable: hover .ad-indicator {kursor: pointer;} # gpt overlay - "+ Q ( ) + ". nit-inspectable: hover .ad-indicator {kursor: tidak diijinkan;} # gpt-overlay -" +
Q ( + ".ad-overlay-info {background-color: #fff; border-width: 0; width: 0; overflow: hidden; display: none;} # gpt-overlay -" + Q ( + ": hover .ad-overlay-info {top: 0; border-width: 1px; margin-left: 30px; width: auto; max-width:" + Q (a.width-32) + "px; min-height: 30px; display: block;} # gpt-overlay -" + Q ( + ". inspectable: hover .ad-overlay-info {kursor: pointer;} # gpt-overlay- "+ Q ( +" tidak bisa diperiksa: hover .ad-overlay-info {kursor: tidak diijinkan;} # gpt overlay - "+ Q ( +" .ad-overlay- loader {height: 22px; color: #ccc; padding: 8px 5px 0; display: none;} # gpt-overlay - "+
Q ( + ": hover .ad-overlay-loader {display: block;} # gpt-overlay -" + Q ( + ".scorecard {padding: 5px 30px 5px 3px;} # gpt -overlay - "+ Q ( +" .label {font-size: 11px; color: # 000;} # gpt-overlay - "+ Q ( +" .value {font-size: 16px; warna: # 000;} # gpt-overlay - "+ Q ( +" .tidak terlihat. Layar-tunggal, # gpt-overlay - "+ Q ( +". Tak terlihat: hover. layar iklan {background: none; background-color: transparent; border: none; cursor: wait;} # gpt-overlay - "+ Q ( +" .ascover .overlay-data {visibility: hidden;} # gpt-overlay - "+
Q ( + "dipilih, # gpt-overlay -" + Q ( + 'dipilih: hover {border: 8px solid rgba (255,0,0,0,5);} </ style > <div class = "ad-screen"> </ div> <div class = "overlay-data"> <div class = "ad-indicator"> <div> '+ Od (a.Wa) + "</ div> <div> x "+ Od (a.Va) + '</ div> </ div> <div class =" ad-overlay-info "> <div class =" ad-overlay-loader "> Memuat. .. </ div> </ div> </ div> </ div> '); kembali Nd (a)}; var W = function (a) { (this); this.c = ++ Ee ; this.a = a; this.aa = []; this.F = []; this.o = []; this.H = -1; this.f = 0; this.l = []; ini. Ia = p (fungsi (a) {a.stopPropagation (); a.preventDefault (); this.Ja ()}, this)}; q (W, V); var Ee = -1, X = [], Fe = [], Ge = null, He = new N; k = W.prototype; = null; kL = null; = null; = null; kX = null; kS = null; = null; k.N = null; kA = null; kY = null; kD = null; kB = null; k.ea = null; ks = null; k.da = null; kO = null; kR = null; k.Da = null;
var Ie = fungsi (a, b) {0 <= r (al, b) || alpush (b)}, Y = fungsi (a, b) {0> aoindexOf (b) && a.o.push (b) }, Je = function (a, b, c) {u (a.aa, function (a) {return a.clickThroughUrl == b}) || a.aa.push ({clickThroughUrl: b, impressionInfo: c | | null})}, Ne = function (a, b, c, d) {u (aF, function (a) {return a.ha == c}) || (b? x (Ya, b): chrome .extension.sendMessage ({command: "track_usage", kategori: "warning", action: "no_web_property_code_present /" + aY}), aFpush ({ma: b, ha: c, Ca: d}), 1 == aFlength && c && (a.f ++, chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "impression_info",
adclientId: b || Ke (a), impressionInfo: c}, p (fungsi (a) {Le (ini, a, c); Saya (ini, p (fungsi () {this.f -}, ini) )}, a))))}, Pe = function (a) {Ie (a, "dfp"); var b = aX, c = u (Fe, fungsi (a) {return aX == b}); c & & Oe (a, c.Qa, c.Ta)}, Oe = fungsi (a, b, c) {aB = b; aD = c; 1! = b.length || "-1" == b [0 ] "Ie (a," as / adx "):" - 2 "! = B [0] && (a.f ++, chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command:" dfp_creative_info ", networkCode: aL, creativeId: b [ 0]}, p (fungsi (a) {this.f -; if (a && a.dfp_creative_info) {var b = new F; fc (Dia, b, a.dfp_creative_info); this.da = b; Qe (ini )}}, a))); a.f ++;
chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "dfp_line_item_info", networkCode: aL, lineItemId: c [0]}, p (fungsi (a) {this.f -; if (a && a.dfp_line_item_info) {var b = new H (a, b, a.dfp_line_item_info); this.O = b; Qe (this)}}, a))}, Me = function (a, b) {var c = 0 <= r (al, " dfp ") && (! as ||" RESERVATION "== z (as, 2)); aR || c? b (): chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command:" property_info ", adclientId: Ke (a) }, p (fungsi (a) {a && a.property_info && (this.R = a.property_info) && this.R.product && Ie (this, this.R.product); b ()}, a))}, Le = function ( a, b, c) {if (b = (b =
b && b.impression_info) && b.creativeImpression && b.creativeImpression.passbackChainAds)! (b = (c = Re (a, b, c)) && c.creatives) || 1> b.length || (b = Se (b [0] ), c.winningAdxRule && A (b, 15, c.winningAdxRule), sebagai = b, 0 <= r (al, "dfp") && "RESERVASI"! = z (as, 2) && Ie (a, "as / adx "), Qe (a))}, Re = fungsi (a, b, c) {return 1> b.length? Null: 1 == b.length? B [0] :( a = u (aF, fungsi (a) {return a.ha == c})) a.Ca?b.length<a.Ca?null:b[a.Ca-1]:b[b.length-1]:null}, Se = fungsi (a) {var b = new D; A (b, 4,; A (b, 14, a.adClientId); var c = a.adSource; c && A (b, 1, c) ; (c = a.targetingType) & &
A (b, 2, c); (c = a.format) && A (b, 3, c); (c = a.visibleUrl) && A (b, 5, c); (a.destinationUrls? A.destinationUrls: []) forEach (fungsi (a) {db (b, 6, a)}); (c = a.clickThroughUrl) && A (b, 16, c); (c = a.buyerNetworkName) && A (b, 7 , c); (c = a.agencyName) && A (b, 8, c); (a.advertiserNames? a.advertiserNames: []) forEach (fungsi (a) {db (b, 9, a)}) (c = a.impressionTimeUsec) && A (b, 10, za (c)); jika (c = a.directDeal) {var d = new E; A (d, 1,; A (b, 12, d)} jika (a = a.adNetworkTag) c = ib baru, A (c, 1, a.networkName), A (c, 2, a.tagName), A (b, 13, c); return b}, Te = function (a, b) {var c =
a.compareDocumentPosition (b), d = !! (c & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS), c = !! (c & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY); return a == b || d || c}, Z = function (a, b) {return 0, Ca (ao, function (a) {return Te (b, a)})}, Ue = function (a) {switch (aatagName) {case "DIV": case "IMG ": case" IFRAME ": return aa; case" OBJEK ": return aaquerySelector (" embed ") || aa; default: return aaquerySelector (" div, embed, img, iframe ") || aa}}, Ve = function (a) {var b = av (); jika (b) {var c = Ue (a), d = a = 0, e = c.getBoundingClientRect (); a + = e.left; d + =;
"fixed"! = Qc (c, "position") && (c = Rc (c), e = c.ownerDocument.parentWindow || c.ownerDocument.defaultView, c = e == jendela? new L (e.pageXOffset , e.pageYOffset): new L (c.scrollLeft, c.scrollTop), a + = ca, d + = cb); = a + "px"; = d + "px"}} , Qe = function (a) {if (av ()) {var b = null, c = aA, d = null; if (as && "RESERVATION"! = Z (as, 2)) var d = (b = B (seperti, 9) || [], 0 <b.length)? b.join (","): null, e = z (as, 7), b = d || e, c = z (as, 5) || aA, d = d: e; null; else if (aB || aD) aO && null! = AOa [2]? B = aOgetName (): aD && 0 <= r (aD, "- 1")? B = chrome.i18n.getMessage ("line_item_adsense_or_adx"):
aD && 0 <= r (aD, "- 2")? b = chrome.i18n.getMessage ("line_item_no_ad"): aD && (b = chrome.i18n.getMessage ("line_item_id", aDjoin (","))), a .da? d = a.da.getName (): aB && 0 <= r (aB, "- 1")? d = chrome.i18n.getMessage ("dfp_unknown_creative"): aB && 0 <= r (aB, "- 2" ) d = chrome.i18n.getMessage ("dfp_no_creative"): aB && (d = chrome.i18n.getMessage ("dfp_creative_id", aBjoin (","))); a = av () querySelector ("ad- overlay-info "); b = b = {Aa: c, Ba: b, Ea: d}; b = Nd (b.Aa || b.Ba || b.Ea? '<div class =" scorecard " > '+ (b.Aa?' <div class = "label"> '+ Od (b.Aa) + "</ div>":
"") + (b.Ba?'<div class = "value"> '+ Od (b.Ba) + "</ div>": "") + (b.Ea?' <div class = "label "+" </ Div> ":" ") +" </ div> ":" "); a.innerHTML = Kd (b)}}, Kami = fungsi (a, b) {aX = b}, Xe = function (a, b) {aA = b}; W.prototype.getName = function () {return this.A}; W.prototype.La = function () {this. ca = Zc (Ue (ini)); var a = this.S ||; this.b = Ld (De, {id: this.c, color: fd (this.c), width: this. ca.width, height:, Wa: a.width, Va: a.height}); this.A && (this.A = this.A); this.Da && (this.Da = this.Da ); Ge && Ge (ini)}; = function () { (this); X.push (this); this.v () addEventListener ("klik", this.Ia,! 1)}; W.prototype.ia = function () { (this); var a = X.indexOf (this); 0 <= a && X.splice (a, 1); this.v (). removeEventListener ("klik", this.Ia, 1)}; var Ye = function (a) {var b = p (function () {null == this.ea && Nc (p (fungsi () {Ye (this)}, this), 300)}, a) ; Ze (a, b)}, Ze = function (a, b) {null! = A.ea? B (a.ea): 0! = AH || 0! = Af? B (! 1): saya (a, p (a.Pa, a, b))};
W.prototype.Pa = function (a) {this.s || this.L? Chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "allow_inspector", adclientId: Ke (this), networkCode: this.L}, p (fungsi (b) {var c; b || b.error? c =! 1: c = b.allow_inspector; Qe (ini); $ e (ini, c); a (c)}, ini)) :( $ e (ini,! 1), a (! 1))};
var c = b "inspectable": "not-inspectable"; b || Qe (var c = b? "inspectable": "tidak inspiratif"; b || Qe (var c = b? "inspectable": "tidak inspiratif"; b || Qe (a); av () classList.add (c); Ge && Ge (a)}, Ke = function (a) {if (as) return z (as, 14); var b = u (aF, fungsi (a) {return!0:!1});if(b)return; b = a.aa; return 0 == b.length? dd (b [0] .clickThroughUrl) |}, af = fungsi (a) {var b = [aa] .concat (ao), c = p (fungsi (a, b, c) {b? Je (ini, b, c & & c.ha ): c & & Ne (ini,, c.ha, null)}, a), d = p (fungsi (a) {Jadilah (this.c, a, c)}, a); chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "inject_content_script"},
p (function () {Nc (p (function () {b.forEach (d); Ye (this)}, this), 3E3)}, a))}, bf = function (a) {X.forEach ( fungsi (a) {av () classList.add ("tak terlihat")}); av () classList.add ("selected")}, cf = function () {X.forEach (fungsi (a) {a = av () classList; a.remove ("selected"); a.remove ("tak terlihat")})};
W.prototype.Ja = function () {var a = p (fungsi (a) {if (a) {var b = this.S ||; a = p (fungsi () {var a = ini. (he, this.s): null, c = this.da? ec (Dia, this.da): null, f = this.O? ec (Dia, this.O): null; chrome.extension .sendMessage ({command: "show_inspector", adclientId: Ke (this), overlayId: this.c, networkCode: this.L, adunitId:, channelCode:, slotName: this.A, size: b .width + "x" + b.height, productList: this.l, arcEnabled: this.R && this.R.arcEnabled, tagType: this.Y, adRequestUrl: this.o [0] this.o [0] .src: null, tayangan: this.aa,
(c) dfpLineItemInfo: f, gptSlotDomId: this.Ma}, cf)}, this); bf (this); window.setTimeout (p (a) , ini), 500)}}, ini); Ze (ini, p (a, ini))};
var ef = fungsi (a, b) {var c = b || aa; b = Vc (); var d = Wc (aa), e = Yc (aa), d = new Oc (db-86, d. a + e.width, d.b + e.height, da-86); b.contains (d)? df (a, c) :( e = [], e [0] = d.left <b. kiri ?| d.right> b.right? d.left: b.left, e [1] = <> b.bottom? (b (, b = new je (document.body, [b.left,], e, 500), Ec (b, "end", p (fungsi () {df (ini, c)}, a)), ge (b))}, df = fungsi (a, b) {var c = b || aa; b = Wc aa); var d = Ld (Zd, {color: fd (ac)}); = "86px"; = "86px"; = ba-26 +
"px"; = bb-26 + "px"; = 2147483647; = "mutlak"; document.body.appendChild (d); var e = 0, f = new le (d, 500), g = new me (d, 500), h = new ne (d, 500); xc (g, "end", function () {2 <= e? ge (h ): ge (f)}); xc (f, "end", function () {e ++; ge (g)}); Ec (h, "end", function () {bc (d); c () }); ge (f)}; var ff = function () {}, gf = / ([a-z0-9 \ -.] *) \. doubleclick \ .net /; ff.prototype.xa = function ( a, b) {var c = null; switch (a.tagName) {case "IFRAME": case "IMG": case "SCRIPT": c = hf (a.src)} jika (! c ||! Ca ( jf (c), fungsi (a) {return 2 <a.width || 2 <a.height})) kembali; 1; (b || kf) (a, c); return! 0};
var hf = function (a) {try {var b = a.match (ad), c = b [3], d = b [5]; jika (! c ||! d ||! gf.exec (c )) return null; var e = new lf; return mf (e, d)? e: null} catch (f) {return null}}, kf = function (a, b) {var c = function (c) { chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "allow_overlay", networkCode: c}, fungsi (d) {d && d.allow_overlay && d.allow_overlay.owned && nf (a, b, c)})}; ba? c (ba): chrome. extension.sendMessage ({command: "network_info", siteName: bb}, fungsi (a) {c (a && a.network_info? a.network_info: null)})}, nf = function (a, b, c) {var d = a; jika ("adj" == bc) {for (var d =
null, e = a.nextElementSibling;! d && e;) {var f = [e]; untuk (Ga (f, e.querySelectorAll ("object, div, img, iframe")) ;! d && 0 <f.length;) {var g = f.shift (); switch (g.tagName) {case "DIV": case "IMG": var h = parseFloat (Pc (g, "width")), G = parseFloat (Pc (g, "height")); jf (b) .some (function (a) {return a.width == h && a.height == G}) && (d = g); break; case "IFRAME": case "OBJECT" : d = g}} e = e.nextElementSibling} jika (! d) kembali} (e = u (X, function (b) {return Z (b, d) || Z (b, a)}))? (Y (e, a), af (e)) :( e = "panah /" + bc, chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "track_usage", kategori: "overlay"
(f, dari (b)), Xe (f, b.getName ()), fY = e, Pe (f), f = new W (d), fL = c || ba, , Y (f, a), oe (f, Rc (d)), Ve (f), af (f))}, lf = function () {this.h = this.b = this.a = this. c = null; this.f = {}}, pf = / ^ (N [0-9] + (\. [0-9] +)? \. [^ /] + \ / B [0-9] + (\. [0-9] +)?) $ /, Qf = / ^ (N [0-9] + \.)? ([\ W \ d .-] +) $ /, rf = / ^ ([^?; <> '"] +) $ /, sf = / ^ (!? [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9] {0,11}) = ([^; # <> * ()] +)? $ /; lf.prototype.getName = function () {return tf ([this.a, this.b, this.h], ">")};
var dari = fungsi (a) {var b = [aa, ab, ah], c; untuk (c di af) b.push (c), b.push (af [c]); kembali tf (b, " _ ")}, jf = function (a) {var b = []; a = afsz.toLowerCase () ganti (/% 2c / g,", ") split (", "); untuk (var c = 0; c <a.length; c ++) {var d = a [c] .plit ("x"); 2 == d.length && b.push ({width: d [0], tinggi: d [1] })} return b}, mf = function (a, b) {var c = b.indexOf (";") - 1, c = b.substr ("/" == b [0]? 1: 0, 0 <= c? C: b.length) .plpl ("/"); jika (2> c.length) kembali! 1; if (/ ^ ad [fijlx]? $ / Exec (c [0]) ) (= (N d \) $ /. exec (c [0]) && / ^ ad [fijlx]? $ / exec (c [1])) aa =
c.shift () substr (1), ac = c.shift (); else return! 1; if (! aa && (2! = c.length? 0: pf.exec (c.join ("/") ))) kembali; 1; var d = qf.exec (c.shift ()); jika (! d) kembali! 1; d [1] && (aa = d [1] .substr (1, d [1 ] .length-2)); ab = d [2]; jika (! ab &&! aa) kembali! 1; 0 <c.length && (c = rf.exec (c.join ("/"))) && ( ah = c [1]); c = b.indexOf (";") + 1; b = (0 <= c? b.substr (c): "") split (";"); c = { }; untuk (d = 0; d <b.length; d ++) {var e = b [d]; 0! = e.length && (e = sf.exec (e)) && (c [e [1]] = e [2])} af = c; return! 0}, tf = function (a, b) {return a.filter (fungsi (a) {return a && 0 <a.length}) join (b)}; var uf = function () {}, vf = / ^ google_ads_div _ ([^ <> "] +?) (_ ad_container)? $ /, wf = / GS_googleAddAdSenseService \ (['" \ s] + (ca-pub- \ d +) ['"\ s] + \) ([\ s \ S] *) /, xf = [/ GA_googleFillSlotWithSize \ (['" \ s] + (ca-pub- \ d +) [\ s,'"] + ([^'"] +) ([\ s \ S] *) /, / GA_googleFillSlot \ (['"\ s] + (ca-pub- \ d +) [\ s,'"] + ([^ '"] +) ([\ s \ S] *) /], yf = new v;
uf.prototype.xa = function (a, b) {if (!. (a.ownerDocument || document) .querySelector ('script [src $ = "/ google_service.js"]')) kembali! 1; switch (a .tagName) {case "DIV": var c = vf.exec (; jika (c) {var c = c [1], d, e = yf.get (c); e? (d = [], d.push (e)): d = Xa.w (); (b || zf) (a, new Af (c, d)); a =! 0} else a =! 1; kembali , kasus "SCRIPT": a = a.text, untuk (c = wf.exec (a); c;) b = c [1], x (Xa, b), x (Ya, b), b = c [2], c = wf.exec (b); untuk (c = 0; c <xf.length; c ++) untuk (d = xf [c] .exec (a); d;) e = d [2] , b = d [1], x (Xa, b), x (Ya, b), yf.set (e, b), b = d [3], d = xf [c] .exec (b); kembali; 1; default: return! 1}};
var zf = function (a, b) {chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "allow_overlay"}, fungsi (c) {c && c.allow_overlay && c.allow_overlay.owned && chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "network_info", publisherIds: bb}, fungsi (c) {Bf (a, b, c & & c.network_info)})}, Bf = fungsi (a, b, c) {var d = a.querySelector ('iframe [id ^ = "google_ads_iframe_ "] ') || a.querySelector (' div [id $ =" _ ad_container "] ') || a, e = Zc (d); if (! (2> = e.width || 2> = e. tinggi)) {var f = u (X, fungsi (b) {return Z (b, d) || Z (b, a)}); f? Y (f, a) :( chrome.extension.sendMessage {command: "track_usage",
kategori: "overlay", action: "gam"}), f = new W (d), fX = ba, fS = e, c & & (fL = c), b = basplit ("/"), Ba (b, fungsi (a) {return void 0! == a &&! na (a)}), fA = b.join (">"), fY = "gam", Pe (f), Y (f, a), oe (f, Rc (d)), Ve (f)); af (f)}}, Af = function (a, b) {this.a = a; this.b = b}; var Cf = function (a ) {var b = $ b ("DIV", {style: "display: none", id: "gpt_hidden_data"}); document.body.appendChild (b); b.addEventListener ("gptDone", a,! 1 ); a = $ b ("SCRIPT", {src: chrome.extension.getURL ("/ publisher_toolbar_gpt_decoder.js"), ketik: "text / javascript"}); document.head.appendChild (a)}; var Df = function () {}, Ef = new v;
Df.prototype.xa = function (a, b) {var c = Ef.get (; &&! C && ma (, "_ ad_container") && (c = (0 ,, (c =! document.getElementById (c) && Ef.get (c)) && chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "track_usage", category: "overlay", action: "gpt_no_wrapping_div "})); jika (! c) return! 1; var d = c.sizes; Array.isArray (d) && 0! = d.length || (d = [Zc (a)]); if (1 = = d.length & & 1> = d [0] .width && 1> = d [0] height) kembali! 1; c = new Ff (, c.adk, d, c.dom_id); if (! Ca cc, fungsi (a) {return 2 <a.width || 2 <a.height})) return! 1; d = Gf (a); jika (! d) kembali! 1;
(b || Hf) (d, a, c); return! 0};
var Hf = function (a, b, c) {chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "allow_overlay", networkCode: If (c)}, function (d) {d && d.allow_overlay && d.allow_overlay.owned && Jf (a, b, c)})}, Gf = function (a) {a = a.querySelector ('iframe [id ^ = "google_ads_iframe _"]') || a.querySelector ('div [id $ = "_ ad_container"]') | b.width && 0 == b.height && 1 <a.parentElement.children.length && (a = a.parentElement, b = Zc (a), a = a.parentElement, b = Zc (a); "IFRAME" == a.tagName && 0 == b.width && 0 == b.height && 1 <a.parentElement.children.length & ); return 2> = b.width || 2> = b.height? null: a}, Jf = function (a, b, c) {var d = u (X, function (c) {return Z (c , a) || Z (c,
b)}); d? Y (d, b) :( chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "track_usage", kategori: "overlay", action: "gpt"}), d = new W (a) dL = Jika (c), dX = cb? c.a + "/" + cb: ca, Xe (d, c.getName ()), dY = "gpt", d.Ma = cf, dS = Zc (a ), Pe (d), Y (d, b), oe (d, Rc (a)), Ve (d)); af (d)}, Ff = fungsi (a, b, c, d) {ini .a = a; this.c = c; this.b = b; this.f = d}; Ff.prototype.getName = function () {return Ba (this.a.split ("/"), fungsi ( a) {return! na (null == a? "": String (a))}) join (">")}; var If = function (a) {a = aasplit ("/"); kembali na (a [0])? a [1] || null: a [0]}; Ff.prototype.c = null; var Lf = function () {var a = new ob; X.forEach (fungsi (b) return a}, Kf = function (a) {var b = new qb; A (b, 1, ac); var c; c = {f, b, al-var d = Array.isArray (c)? 0 <= r (c, "adsense")? "adsense": 0 <= r (c, "adx")? "adx": 1 == c.length && 0 <= r (c, "dfp")? "Dfp": null: null; (c = d? D: Array.isArray (c) && 1 <c.length && 0 <= r (c, "dfp")? " sebagai / adx ": null) && A (b, 5, c); (c = a.getName ()) && A (b, 2, c); if (c = aS || A (b, 3 , c.width), A (b, 4, c.height); && A (b, 7,; && A (b, 6,; && A (b, 8 ,; (c = as) && A (b, 9, c); c = aO; d = aD && a.D [0] ;! c & & d && (c = new H,
(C, 1, d)); c & & A (b, 10, c); c = a.da; d = aB && a.B [0] ;! c & & d && (c = new F, A (c, 1, d) ); c && A (b, 11, c); A (b, 12, a.ea ||! 1); A (b, 13, null == a.ea); kembali b}; var Mf = / ^ google_ads_frame \ d * /, Of = function (a, b) {if (! a || "IFRAME"! = a.tagName ||! kembali! 1; if ( (Mf)) {var c = new Nf (a.src); if (! caget ("client")) return! 1; b && b (a, c); return! 0} return! 1}, Nf = function (a) {this .a = (baru ld (a)) b); var Pf = function () {}; Pf.prototype.xa = function (a, b) {return of (a, b || Qf)};
var Qf = fungsi (a, b) {var c = baget ("klien"); x (Xa, c); x (Ya, c); chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "allow_overlay", adclientId: c }, fungsi (c) {if (c && c.allow_overlay &&! 0 === c.allow_overlay.owned) {c = baget ("klien"); baget ("host"); var d = baget ("nama slot"), f; f = (f = baget ("saluran")) fsplit (",", 1) [0]: null; var g = baget ("w"), h = baget ("h"), g = (g &&h? new M (jd (g), jd (h)): null) || Zc (a); d? Rf (a, c, d, g): Sf (a, c, f, g )}}}}},} Rf = fungsi (a, b, c, d) {var e = u (X, fungsi (b) {return Z (b, a)}); jika (e) Y (e, a ), af (e); else {chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "track_usage",
kategori: "overlay", action: "showads"}); var f = new W (a); = b; = c; fS = d; fY = "showads"; Y (f, a ); oe (f, Rc (a)); Ve (f); af (f); chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "adunit_info", adclientId: b, adunitId: c}, fungsi (a) {fA = a && a.adunit_info && || d.width + "x" + d.height})}}, Sf = fungsi (a, b, c, d) {var e = u (X, fungsi (b) { Kembalikan Z (b, a)}); e? Y (e, a) :( chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "track_usage", kategori: "overlay", action: "legacy_showads"}), e = new W (a), = b, = c, eS = d, b = d.width + "x" + d.height, c && (b + =
"(" + c + ")"), eA = b, eY = "legacy_showads", Y (e, a), oe (e, Rc (a)), Ve (e)); af (e)}; var Tf = [new Pf, new ff, new uf, new Df], Vf = new (window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver) (fungsi (a) {Uf (a)}), Wf = {childList:! 0, subtree:! 0}, Xf = [], Yf = null, $ f = function () {chrome.extension.sendMessage ({command: "is_allowed_domain"}, fungsi (a) {X.forEach (fungsi (a) { bc (av ())}); X.length = 0; (a = a && a.is_allowed_domain) && a.allowed? Zf (): Vf.disconn ect ()})}, Zf = function () {- 1! = = Xf.indexOf (dokumen) & & Xf.push (dokumen); ag (document.body); Cf (function () {var a; a = document.getElementById ("gpt_hidden_data") innerText;
jika (a = na (a)? null: JSON.parse (a)) Sa (Ef, a), ag (document.body)})}, bg = null, cg = function () {bg && l.clearTimeout (bg ); bg = Nc (fungsi () {bg = null; X.forEach (fungsi (a) {Ve (a)})}, 100)}, dg = function (a) {return u (X, function (b ) {return bc == a})}, ag = function (a) {Vf.disconnect (); if (a) {Vf.disconnect (); var b = []; untuk (Aa (cc (a), bif, b); 0 <b.length;) {var c = b.pop (); jika (! Ca (Tf, function (a) {return a.xa (c)})) switch (c. tagName) {case void 0: break; case "FRAME": case "IFRAME": var d = c; a = function () {Nc (function () {var a = this.contentDocument; -1! ==
Xf.indexOf (a) && Xf.push (a); ag (this.contentDocument)}, 3E3, d)}; coba {d.contentDocument && "complete" == d.contentDocument.readyState? A (): d.addEventListener ("load", a,! 1)} catch (e) {} break; case "OBJEK": break; case "FORMULIR": a = Ba (c.childNodes, function (a) {return 1 == a. nodeType}); Aa (a, b.push, b); break; default: Aa (cc (c), b.push, b)}} misal ()}}, misal = function () {Xf.forEach ( fungsi (a) {Vf.observe (a, Wf)})}, Uf = function (a) {Vf.disconnect (); a.forEach (function (a) {switch (a.type) {case "childList" : ag (; break; case "subtree": t (a.addedNodes,
fungsi (a) {ag (a.parentElement || a)})} t (a.removedNodes, function (a) {for (var b = 0; b <= X.length; b ++) {var c = X [ b], f = c & & c.a; f && f.compareDokumenPosisi (a) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY && (ic (c), b -)}})}); misal ()}, fg = function (a) {X.forEach ( fungsi (b) {a? bv () classList.remove ("tak terlihat"): bv () classList.add ("tak terlihat")})}, gg = function (a) {switch (a.command) { case "get_hub_data": a = Lf (), a = {command: "set_hub_data", hubData: ec (new N, a)}, Yf.postMessage (a)}}, hg = {contentscript_refresh: function (a, b ) {- 1! = Ee & & (Ee + = ed.length-
1-Ee% ed.length); $ f (); Yf && Yf.postMessage ({command: "reset_hub_data"}); b (void 0)}, dfp_data: function (a, b) {var c = new mb; fc (new N, c,; a = B (c, 1) || []; var d = B (c, 2) || [], e = z (c, 3); Fe.push ({X: e, Ta: a, Qa: d}); (c = u (X, function (a) {return aX == e})) & & Oe (c, d, a); b (void 0) }, get_pubids: function (a, b) {b ({get_pubids: Ya.w ()})}, scroll_to_overlay: function (a, b) {var c = a.overlayId; (a = u (X, function ( a) {return ac == c})) && ef (a); b ({scroll_to_overlay: {overlayId: c, match: !! a}})}, open_inspector: function (a, b) {var c = a. overlayId; (a = u (X,
fungsi (a) {return ac == c})) && ef (a, p (a.Ja, a)); b ({open_inspector: {overlayId: c, cocokkan: !! a}})}, open_gpt_console: function (a) {fg (! 1); var b = {type: "gpt_open_pubconsole"}; b.slotDomId = a.gptSlotDomId; window.postMessage (b, "*")}}; window.addEventListener ("load", $ f, 1); window.addEventListener ("resize", cg, 1);
window.addEventListener ("message", function (a) {var b; a: {try {var c = JSON.parse (} catch (h) {b = null; break a} if ("ptb_found_clickstring" = c.type) b = null; else {b = c.overlayId; var d = c.clickThroughUrl, e = c.webPropertyCode, c = c.impressionInfo; jika (! n (b)) lempar "overlayId tidak valid" Jika (! m (d)) lempar "klik tidak sahThroughUrl"; if (c &&! m (c)) lempar "impressionInfo tidak valid"; jika (e & &! m (e)) lempar "kode properti web tidak valid:" + e; b = {type: "ptb_found_clickstring", overlayId: b, clickThroughUrl: d, webPropertyCode: e || null, impressionInfo: c ||
null}}} if (b) (a = dg (b.overlayId)) & & Je (a, b.clickThroughUrl, b.impressionInfo); else {a: {try {var f = JSON.parse (} catch (h) {b = null; break a} b = "ptb_clickstring_search_event"! = f.type? null: qe (f.overlayId,} if (b) {if (a = dg (b.overlayId )) {var g =;! n (g) || 1! = g && - 1! = g || (-1 == aH && (aH = 0), a.H + = g)}} lain { a: {try {g = JSON.parse (} catch (h) {b = null; break a} if ("ptb_bow_data_found"! = g.type) g = null; else {f = g.overlayId ; b = g.impressionInfo; d = g.pbci; jika (! n (f)) lempar "overlayId tidak valid:" + f; jika (! m (b)) lempar "impressionInfo tidak valid:" +
b; if (d && (! n (d) || 1> d)) lempar "pbci tidak valid:" + d; g = {type: "ptb_bow_data_found", overlayId: f, webPropertyCode: g.webPropertyCode, impressionInfo: b, pbci: d || null}} b = g} b? (a = dg (b.overlayId)) && Ne (a, b.webPropertyCode, b.impressionInfo, b.pbci): a.source== window && "gpt_show_toolbar_overlays" == && fg (! 0)}}} ,! 1); var ig = new Mc (1E3); ig.listen ("centang", cg,! 1); ig.start (); chrome. extension.onMessage.addListener (fungsi (a, b, c) {! = chrome.i18n.getMessage ("@@ extension_id")? c (void 0) :( b = hg [a.command], ea (b) b (a, c): c (void 0))});
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener (fungsi (a) {"hub" == && (Yf = a, a.onMessage.addListener (gg), a.onDisconnect.addListener (function () {Yf = null}) )}); Ge = function (a) {Yf && (a = Kf (a), a = {command: "update_overlay", hubAdUnit: ec (new N, a)}, Yf.postMessage (a))}; chrome .extension.sendMessage ({command: "tab_ready"}, aa); "complete" == document.readyState && $ f ();}) ();
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